My family and I have shared our experiences with our favorite Compass Classroom curriculum over the years. Now, we wanted to make homeschool decisions even easier for you by placing the reviews all together in a handy list. If you have a love of Compass Classroom homeschool curriculum like we do, we know you will find this index handy! Here is a Compass Classroom Curriculum Review Index to refer to often.
See, we have found that our visual and auditory learners especially thrive when we have some video curriculum in the mix. Using high school video curriculum from Compass Classroom also makes it easy on the homeschool schedule. We often enjoy our history electives in the evening when Dad is home. Simply because the discussion afterwards is the best then. Plus hot chocolate and cookies are always a plus. It’s like an at-home coffee house study time.
Compass Classroom Homeschool Curriculum Review Index
All opinions are our own and we love this Compass Classroom curriculum. Please see our disclosure policy. The affiliate links included are for resources we absolutely love.
Each of these reviews is one I shared from our homeschool family. We are using the curriculum in our home and have used it over and over again through our ages. Feel free to browse my reviews and let me know what you might have questions about.
Antiquity – I’ve shared quite a bit about the digital homeschool curriculum we love from Compass Classroom. Now that our youngest children are in high school and middle school, I thought you would rather hear from them than from me. I’ll be back at the end to share what I love best about Antiquity and point you to all the other Compass Classroom resources. But, first, my children will share their favorites.
This was a brand new history resource by Dave Raymond for fall 2019. We were studying modern history that year. But guess what? My high school senior said, “I’m graduating this year and won’t get to go through Antiquity next year. May I do it this year as an elective?” Well, of course! So she enjoyed this independently while we have been going through Modernity.
American History – I believe it says a great deal about a homeschool curriculum when we are doing night school on a Saturday night. In the summer. They ask, “Are we doing American History tonight?” That would be Compass Classroom American History. Dave Raymond’s American History!
Modernity Digital Homeschool Curriculum We Love – Since we enjoyed American History so very much, (as an elective even!) we find ourselves soaking up another volume of this fantastic curriculum. Yes we do. It is digital homeschool curriculum we love.
Beyond Answers in Genesis Bible Study – Do you do night homeschool? As each of our children have moved into the middle and high school years we find ourselves enjoying “night school” a couple times a week. Mostly it’s purely for an enjoyable and comfy reason like cups of tea and hot chocolate and being able to include Dad in the learning time. Plus we just love this time with our young adults! That happens especially with Compass Classroom digital curriculum. Our newest edition to night school is the Beyond Is Genesis History? Bible study series. We watched the film a couple times when it came out. We also visited the Creation Museum this summer. My husband has been the leader with our creation-based world view. And so this resource is a fantastic next step and ‘digging even deeper’ time to enjoy and all learn together and have some really great discussions. Having top of the field creation scientists in our living room? Yes! Last night we were reminded that “Mount St. Helens is a wonderful laboratory for studying catastrophic geological events.” So if you need permission to enjoy some time with learning in the evening, you have ours! Make some snacks, pass around the tea cups or coffee mugs. And enjoy any of Compass Classroom’s offerings. Find out more about all that is included in this wonderful Bible study series at the above link.
My friend, Courtney, shared a wonderful review of Devotional Biology: Why Christian Parents Are Loving This Homeschool Biology Curriculum. She says that this resource is “like no other homeschool biology curriculum I have seen. Honestly, I have been blown away by how well-done this course is. How different would I feel about biology today if my high school teacher would have presented it in the same way that Dr. Kurt Wise does?”
Economics for Everybody – Well, our love for Compass Classroom has grown even more because of Economics for Everybody. Hooray for a high school economics class!
Favorite Homeschool High School Video Curriculum – Wondering about all those high school credits? It can seem a bit overwhelming. One of the ways we enjoy learning and fulfill credits at the same time is with our favorite homeschool high school video curriculum. As you are making your curriculum choices, be sure to consider these options. There are many benefits!
Grammar for Writers – We are excited about a brand new resource we are just beginning to delve into from Compass Classroom. See, sometimes my children (and I) just need a little boost in confidence when it comes to writing. Because sometimes we get bogged down in the grammar – the mechanics of it all. This course speaks to just that. Author of The World According to Narnia, writer, editor and teacher Jonathan Rogers is going to lead us through 41 lessons to help us become better writers and editors of our own work. We are going to dig down deep and study so we can grab hold of that freedom and soar! Just think how this can help with college prep test writing, entrance exams, college composition and any sort of post graduate work. Just think of how it can squash the fear of writing! Check it out and think about adding it to your list of studies this year too.
Grammar of Poetry – We have a love of poetry. Robert Frost, Shel Silverstein, and many of those in 100 Best Loved Poems by Dover Publications. Yet I felt – and our older children asked if – we could dig deeper and study about poetry. The art of poetry to be exact. I had been eyeing Grammar of Poetry available via The Compass Classroom for a while. We love their other resources so much so I knew Grammar of Poetry would be a blessing to our homeschool as well. I was right.
Great Books Homeschool Video Courses – One of the fantastic benefits of homeschooling high school is being able to invite great teachers into your home. We do this every day via Great Books homeschool video courses from Compass Classroom. I share towards the end a list of all of those we love for high school.
Homeschool Made Simple – Are you thinking about homeschooling? Are you starting your first year of homeschooling soon? Maybe you have homeschooled a couple of years and hit a bump in the road and need a new approach. Well this homeschool resource is for YOU and for me – the homeschool parent. It’s named “A Series for Parents” and is continuing education for us.
Visual Latin – Warning. The free Visual Latin lessons you may download and watch will have you hooked. Watch them with your children only if you want to hear… Laughter. Soon followed by, “Can we watch another?” Then after the second introductory lesson, “Can we watch just one more?” and Three New Ways to Learn with Visual Latin – Compass Classroom’s Visual Latin is such a blessing in our homeschool. Recently, while my two eldest children were completing it for high school credit, we found three new ways to learn with Visual Latin.
WordUp! Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots – Being a student of Latin myself in both high school and college, I have seen so many times the benefits of Latin studies. Especially with high schoolers prepping to take SAT and ACT, we will take vocabulary study. Especially a fun one with a visual approach!
Compass Classroom Curriculum Review Index
And guess what? We love all of Compass Classroom’s curriculum and resources for homeschool. So much so, I’ve shared reviews of all of these!
- Dave Raymond’s Antiquity
- Dave Raymond’s American History
- Dave Raymond’s Modernity
- Grammar of Poetry
- Homeschool Made Simple
- Visual Latin
- WordUp! Vocabulary from Latin and Greek roots
- Economics for Everybody
- Great Books Homeschool Video for High School
- Digital Homeschool Curriculum We Love
- Digital Homeschool Language Arts
You might also like my round up of all the High School Homeschool Video Courses we are using from Compass Classroom.
Homeschooling since 2000, Tricia faces a daily dose of chaos with five children. She has seen the fruits of home education with three grads so far! With their You ARE an artist art curriculum she and her family are passionate about growing a love of art. She also shares helpful homeschool habits at Hodgepodge. She and her husband, Steve, are owners of The Curriculum Choice.
Do you have any advice for someone wanting to start a Middle/High School co-op using Compass Classroom exclusively? I think this could be a fantastic opportunity for families.
Hi Lori,
I know that you need to check the licensing guidelines for Compass Classroom. I found this for you: “subscriptions are licensed to a single family… If you are leading a co-op or tutorial and plan to use one of our courses, we ask that all participating families purchase a subscription to the course using the tutorial.” (more details under the FAQs towards the bottom of the Membership page, here: (We love Compass Classroom!)