There are plastic sea creatures in my bathtub – an octopus, several sharks. There are also family passes to the Georgia Aquarium in my wallet. And, thanks to Apologia, we have wonderful textbooks, a multimedia CD and elementary level journals at the ready in our homeschool. I’ve shared before how we are doing a family study of marine biology this year. A few months ago in my review of Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day, I introduced you to our shark-loving second grader and our sixth grader with a kinesthetic learning style. The text and journals by Jeannie Fulbright are a perfect match for our younger children. Well…
Today I share with you the extensive, high school level resources from Apologia. Exploring Creation with Marine Biology fits the needs of my two high schoolers and promotes independent learning! Plus, this course is designed for success – with tips for the homeschool teacher and student along the way.
~Don’t miss the giveaway at the end! We received these Apologia Marine Biology resources in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are our own and we love the benefits and blessings we are continuing to see from this high school level study. Please see our disclosure policy.
Why Apologia High School Marine Biology?
Well, the topic did make it easy for us. But let me speak to my fellow teachers first. Me? I do not have a science degree and was hesitant to teach Marine Biology on a high school level. However, author Sherri Seligson had us homeschool mamas in mind when she wrote Exploring Creation with Marine Biology. The text is written in a conversational style. So, while my children are reading they are truly learning.
This course is Christ centered and God glorifying! Oh the marvels and explanations. I remember a conversation we had after my high schoolers learned about hydrogen bonding. Without hydrogen bonding water would be in a constant gaseous state – freezing or boiling. These type things we often take for granted, yet our God had all these details planned perfectly for our living environments and those of the animals we study. Isn’t this the ultimate goal of all our studies? An appreciation and deeper knowledge of God!
“One is completely stunned by the incredible resourcefulness of the Creator.” ~Carolus Linnaeus, creator of the modern biology classification system
Everything you need is in the course – each module has the information to study, the questions to complete, experiments to perform and the test to take. This also includes the solutions to module questions and tests. There are even suggestions for how to grade the course – percentages to grade for tests and lab experiments.
Most of what you need for the experiments you can find at home or the grocery store. Though if you want to complete every experiment you will need to purchase the optional accompanying kit.
What Does Apologia Marine Biology Include?
Break Down of Text:
- 16 modules
- Own Your Own Questions in each module help reinforce concepts in the student’s mind.
- Study Guide at the end of each module for review and test preparation
- Bold print text for memorization
- Quality images throughout (good for my visual learner)
- Extra material: multimedia companion CD with videos of organisms and correct pronunciations of the technical words used.
- A special website to accompany the course
- Glossary
- Appendices
- Experiments – designed to be completed as the student is reading the text
List of Laboratory Equipment Needed
- The Oceans of Our Planet
- Life in the Sea
- The First Four Kingdoms
- Marine Invertebrates I
- Marine Invertebrates II
- Marine Vertebrates I
- Marine Vertebrates II
“My soul is full of longing for the secret of the sea, and the heart of the great ocean.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Marine Ecology
- The Intertidal Zone
- Estuary Communities (we explored an estuary on the Florida coast – wonderful field trip!)
- Coral Reef
- Continental Shelf Communities
- The Epipelagic Zone
- The Deep Ocean
- Ocean Resources
- Effects of Humans on the Sea
Companion Multimedia CD
We have used this to find out the correct pronunciation of those big, long marine biology words. Plus there are several videos that accompany each module. Yet another way of learning!
What Age is Apologia Marine Biology Designed For?
The Exploring Creation with Marine Biology course is designed for high school level students – grades 9th-12th. (But honestly, all our ages benefit from what the high schoolers are studying!)
What is required?
- Text
- Laboratory items
- Lab journal (suggested)
How We Use Apologia Marine Biology in Our Homeschool
Each of my high schoolers can read the assignment and do independent research. They also answer the ‘On Your Own’ questions as they are reading each module. Sometimes my two high schoolers even pile up on the couch together. Since they both have different learning styles they are a big help to one another.
What is great is that when I am reading aloud the chapter from Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day with the younger three children, my high schoolers often have more to add based on what they have been learning at the high school level.
After completing a module, my high schoolers complete the accompanying test. We usually plan these for a Friday afternoon.
Yes, we took our Marine Biology text to the Georgia Aquarium!!
How We Have Expanded our Marine Biology Studies
You might remember that we are are enjoying a family study of marine biology with all our ages. Using Apologia’s Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day text and journals with our younger three children.
Our high schoolers at the Georgia Aquarium – next to the giant squid!
Well, we have been taking our high school Marine Biology text to the Georgia Aquarium with us. We have passes to the local venue for fun and further study. We especially spent time looking up close at the Aquatic Bodies Revealed exhibit. Because there are several of the dissection labs in our Apologia Marine Biology labs that match up. And what is offered at the aquarium is far above what we could possibly do at home!
Dissection labs, talking to marine biologists, trips to the coast and even art projects! (All we’ve been studying with marine biology since September at Hodgepodge).
We jumped ahead in the study of estuaries with our field trips (yes, we went twice in one week) to the Apalachicola Estuary and Aquarium – So many great exhibits and wonderful learning opportunities. And that is what is great about this Marine Biology course – it is flexible enough to jump ahead to another topic!
Where Can You Find Apologia Marine Biology?
Find each of the titles at the Apologia website. There you can browse all the titles, experiment materials, lab list, FAQs and more.
Looking for Science Resources for Elementary and Middle Grades?
You might like my review of Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day by Apologia.
Now For the Giveaway!
Apologia is offering one (1) high school level marine biology course to a Curriculum Choice reader. The prize pack includes the hard cover text, solutions manual, the companion CD, and the audio MP3 (if available for the course).
Simply follow the instructions in the rafflecopter widget below…
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Homeschooling for over a dozen years now, Tricia faces a daily dose of chaos with five children from preschool to high school. She is author of art curriculum for all ages and a series of cookbooks at Hodgepodge. She and her husband, Steve (who writes app and technology reviews), are co-owners of Curriculum Choice.
It would be a great match for our family since we live near the ocean. It would be a fun study!
Marine Biology would be great for my daughter, since we’d like to use Swimming Creatures with our younger two children. Thanks so much for sharing this giveaway!
We’ve enjoyed the elementary levels as read alouds and this year my oldest is using Apologia’s General Science. Love it! We’ll be sticking with Apologia through High School for all eight children.
My kids love animals and Marine Biology would be awesome!
I’ve not used Apologia Science before, but my SciGirl loves all things science, we’d like to give Marine Biology a try!
We love the Apologia series. Hands on experiments bring the science to life!
We have used the Biology, Chemistry and Physical Science. I have considered buying Marine Biology because we live in a beach town.
Marine Biology sounds fantastic and I am certain all 3 of our children would thoroughly enjoy it…and so would I!
the marine biology unit would be a great addition to our homeschool studies. we have tried other science studies from Apologia and the kids liked them. thank you for the giveaway.
This review was very timely as we are considering doing this particular science next year for our daughter 🙂
We really are thankful for Apologia Science! Last year we did the Elementary Swimming Creatures and really enjoyed it. This year my oldest is taking Biology. What a great addition to our studies this would be!
This sounds like great addition to high school studies!
We love Apologia! I am using the H.S. Biology currently. I would love to try the Marine Biology with my son when he reaches H.School age.
As a biologist, this text looks like a lot of fun!
We are using Exploring Creation with Astronomy this year and have already picked up Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day for our elementary kids for next year. We have one who is growing out of elementary level and is going to use Exploring Creation with General Science next year, but she’s really looking forward to doing the Marine Biology in the future as well.
My daughter has always been interested in Marine Biology and we spent quite a long time on Swimming Creatures when she was younger. She is in the middle of Biology right now and would love to round out her high school science with this!
Thank you for sharing, Tricia!
We currently have the astronomy book but are really interested in the Marine Biology. It would be perfect for us living in Florida. Thanks for the great review and giveaway!
This would be fantastic, thanks!!!
My son is very interested in working with marine animals when he is done school.
We have used the Astonomy, Botany, and Physical Science. This would be wonderful for next fall!!
I would love to try some Apologia courses when my kids get a bit older! I’m sure this one would be a favorite 🙂
Thanks for all the great curriculum you put out…cant wait to check this one out! Looks very interesting
I’m so excited to find this page! My son and I love Apologia curriculum! I’m certain we would enjoy the Marine Biology books!
I have used the General Science Curriculum and we have really enjoyed it! We would love to be able to use the Marine Biology curricum!
This curriculum just came recommended to us for my son’s interest in animals. Would love to win it!
We’ve used the worldview series, but no science yet. We’re almost to high school.
We love apologia science and with 5 children this would make a great addition to our collection!!
We are using the elementary curriculum for exploring ocean animals now, and we LOVE it! It is the highlight of our day!
We have used the Fifth Day book and would love Marine Biology!
We use the elementary series from Apologia. I am happy to see that you liked the Marine Biology for HS. I know my kids would love it too.
I LOVE Apologia! Would absolutely love this for one of my teenagers!
We haven’t used Apologia before – I’ve only been hearing about it recently. I would love to try it for my son!
We have used Physical Science, Biology, and Advanced Biology. I think one of my teens would prefer to study Marine Biology rather than pursue Advanced Biology.
We are just starting our journey using Apologia. We are using the Exploring Creation Astronomy. Reviews like this is what made our decision to use Apologia. Thank you!
We are doing Swimming Creatures this year, and love it! I love all of the Apologia sciences. My sea creature loving boys will love the high school curriculum too!
We have been using Biology for teen, and my daughter uses different Apologia books depending on what mood she is in that day for science.
Great for my kids & great for me! I tell people I was always terrible at science, Now in my forties, I have found science books that make sense to me & I am actually learning with my kiddos! I love Apologia, plan to yse it each & every year!!!!
Not yet, but we plan on using Apologia science!
I have been homeschooling my 5 boys for 10 years
now, and we are big fans of Apologia for elementary
and upper level. Grandad is an aquatic biologist,
and I know my boys will love this course. Really
hoping we win the raffle!
Would love to win this. My kids would especially benefit from the audio mp3. =)
we’ve used Apologia’s Astronomy and would love to have this resource.
I’ve wanted to, but haven’t yet.
I’ve been using Apologia science for quite a few years now, but mostly at the elementary level. My oldest is just now moving into the older sciences. (starting Physical science next month). Our current plan for next year is Swimming Creatures for elementary, so I would love to have this one, as well!
Love Love Love Apologia!! We just started our first book, Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day. It’s very thorough and wonderfully eye-catching!!
We love Apologia. My children were just pouring over this book in our local store the other day. After much prayer and God showing this book everywhere we turn we definitely would love the opportunity to dive into this study and learn with our kiddos on this topic.
We are just getting started in homeschooling. I’ve read many many reviews on all kinds of curriculum and this one just really seem to be the fit for us.
We’ve used most of the Apologia elementary stuff. The kids love it.
Would soooo love this! Thanks for the great review!
I would love to try out an Apologia curriculum. My oldest are only in 2nd grade this year but I would love to do some creation and anatomy with them. My almost 9 year old is very curious about anatomy and would love a study on it.
Thank you so much for the opportunity! We love Apologia!
We have never used Apologia but have been thinking about trying it. Our all most high schooler loves ocean studies and I know she would really enjoy marine biology!
We have used just about everything that Apologia puts out. Currently working our way through General Science. My favorites though are the Jeannie Fulbright series and the What We Believe Series.
We love Apologia Science curriculum! We’ve used Physical Science, Biology, & Chemistry and this year my middle schooled is doing Astronomy. My 10th grader wants to major in marine biology and I’m thrilled that Apologia has curriculum for that. We will be using it next year!
We are currently working on the Astronomy book and are loving it. We will work through all the books for sure. They are awesome.
Thanks for this opportunity. Blessings.
We are currently using Apologias Exploring creation!
I have looked some Apologia materials and loved them. Not currently using it, though. Would love to have these resources to get started!
Tricia, thank you so much for the wonderful encouragement! I am so glad you and your children have enjoyed this course!
Sherri – we have ALL enjoyed it – thank you for the way you wrote Marine Biology just for homeschoolers. What a blessing!
Thanks for the review and this chance to win!! We used Apologia’s Exploring Creation through Astronomy our first year of homeschool. We LOVED it, but it was a little too advanced for my 1st grader. Now they have the notebooks for the little ones too!
We love Apologia! We have used Astronomy, Anatomy, and Zoo 1. We would love to try out the Marine Biology. I have a son who will be starting High School next year.
we have used apologia general science, and love how it relates creation/science in such a interactive way. we have been wanting marine biology for our two older children. living by the ocean and having had aquarium passes before has sparked our curiosity in these amazing animals. 🙂
We love Apologia science! I would love to get my hands on marine biology as this is the one science my teenager has requested!
We have used Apologia’s astronomy, Botany, Flying creatures, Swimming creatures (this year), Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. We love Apologia! Can’t wait to see what my son chooses next year!
LOVE apologia curriculum. We’ve done astronomy, botany, anatomy as well as the Who is God study. Thanks for this great giveaway.
Tricia – thanks so much for this review. I think we will use this for a HS science next year or the following. 🙂 We have LOVED Apologia science in the past – Anatomy & Physiology.
my kids love marine biology – would love to have this resource for high school
The Apologia Website says that you need to do “regular” Biology before doing Marine Biology. Do you think that is really necessary, or just a good suggestion? Thanks for any thoughts you might have.
I agree with that Beth – for the high school level. We completed Apologia Biology first. There are foundations to learn before moving on to Marine Biology. And then you all learn that much more!
I have a question about what is needed. The Full Course CD? What exactly is that? The multimedia CD? Are they both needed or not needed at all?
Hi Julie – Here is the description from the Apologia website: “This version of the course has all of the information found in the print version, PLUS multimedia add-ons such as animations, videos, narrations and audio pronunciation guides. The student reads the text from the screen and follows links to multimedia enhancements.” This is a wonderful, optional resource that will appeal to visual learners and offer more resources beyond the textbook. Hope that helps!
Hi Tricia ~ We are new to homeschooling and are looking at science classes for a senior. Is this Marine Biology class from Apologia considered a full-credit class for the year, or would we need to find another 1/2 credit science?
Hi Debbie – With the labs it is absolutely a full credit high school class. Biology pre-requisite and suggested for 12th grade. You can download and read the full scope and sequence here: Hope that helps!
The marine biology course can also be taken in 10th or 11th grades. It is mentioned in 12th because Apologia wants to stress the fact that Chemistry and Physics are part of the big three sciences, including Biology. But the only prerequisite for Marine Biology is General Biology. Hope this helps!
Thank you so much! We enjoyed it right after General Biology and had such an amazing year of learning.
My daughter wafts to be a dolphin trainer and is so excited to be studying about Marine Biology. This would be fantastic to use!
We are planning on using that course this year! Love all of the Apologia courses!