When I began looking for our second grade curriculum last spring to say that I was overwhelmed was an understatement. You see, I just might be a little very hard to please in this area. I wanted the convenience of an all encompassing boxed curriculum, but I was too picky to be completely satisfied with what came in the box.
Then I was introduced to My Father’s World and this control freak mama became satisfied! We are now halfway through Adventures in My Father’s World. I can safely say that if there is a perfect boxed curriculum, My Father’s World (MFW) would be it.
My Father’s World is a unique combination of Charlotte Mason, classical education and unit studies. It is very much a boxed curriculum meaning you have almost everything you need for a complete year of schooling in one box.
The core program covers:
- Bible
- History
- Geography
- Reading
- Art (Deluxe package)
- Science
- Music
You must add your own math and English components although MFW recommends Singapore Math and Primary Language Lessons.
My Father’s World offers curriculum for preschool through 12th grade.
Adventures in My Father’s World is targeted specifically toward second and third graders who are the oldest in the family and have no siblings in fourth-eighth grades who are using MFW. Adventures may also be used for advanced first graders.
Adventures in My Father’s World focuses on US History and Geography.
Let me tell you why I love My Father’s World:
- The instructor’s guide! Seriously, this was one of the main selling points for me. I love the way they have laid out weekly lesson plans with detailed daily plans. At the beginning of each week, I am given a list of supplies I will need for that week. No more mid-lesson surprises! The organization offered by MFW is a busy homeschool mama’s dream come true!
- I love how the creators of Adventures in MFW managed to tie many of the subjects together in a unit study-type fashion.
- Art and Music are included in the lesson plans {if you buy the Deluxe package}. I must admit fine arts are not my strong points, so I am so thankful they are already built into the plans and my children aren’t missing out.
- The history lessons are just long enough to keep my daughters interested and engaged, but not too long that they become bored. We especially love the Pioneers and Patriots book that is told from the point of views of children their ages living in the time periods we are studying. This makes history come alive for them because they can relate to the characters.
- We love the read-alouds. This may be my children’s favorite aspect of the program. We’ve been reading some great titles this year, such as: The Courage of Sarah Noble, Sarah Witcher’s Story, Farmer Boy, In Grandma’s Attic and Mountain Born. These books were chosen to coincide with the time period we are studying.
The only complaint I have about Adventures in My Father’s World is with the Science component. While it is tied nicely into the other lessons we are studying, I feel like it is lacking. We have chosen to supplement with another science curriculum.
**Please note that for the as of 2013, the name of the program has been changed to Adventures in US History but there has been no content change.**
Heather is a homeschooling mama of two sweet little girls. She is married to her best friend of eight years. She strives daily to follow Jesus and blogs about all things homeschooling, faith and family at Upside Down Homeschooling.
Can you please share what you use for math,language, and supplemental science?
Hi Misty! We use Horizons Math (I’ve also written a review for this program. You can read it here. We use Learning Language Arts Through Literature and are using Christian Kids Explore Biology for Science! 🙂
I am a first year homeschooler with a 2nd and 6th grader this year. Would this be appropriate to start next year when he is in 3rd? Or is is best to use from the beginning? I’ve heard many people rave about MFW. This year I put my own curriculum together. . . Thanks!
Jeanne- You can start MFW at any point. This is our first year of using it and we haven’t had any problems (even though we didn’t use MFW for first grade and kindergarten.) However, are you trying to teach some of your subjects together, meaning with both the will be 3rd and 7th grader both like to use the same curriculum? If so, don’t start with Adventures because Adventures is for 2-3rd graders who are the oldest in the family. There is a way to blend the higher level programs for teaching multiple grades. See their website at http://www.mfwbooks.com for more info. If you aren’t looking to teach certain subjects together though, Adventures would be prefect for your third grader. I hope this makes sense and is helpful. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have additional questions.
Jeanne, if you want to use MFW for both kids, Exploring Countries and Cultures would probably be the best place to start. If you are looking just for the younger, Adventures would be perfect! Hope that helps!
Hi Jeanne,
We are currently using Exploring Countries & Cultures & I have 3 daughters, 5th, 1st & Pre-K/K (11, 6 1/2 & 5) & ALL my girls enjoy ECC. I think it would be a wonderful fit for your 7th & 3rd next year!!
I have been reading a few reviews, and some people consider the curriculum light? Any thoughts?
Hi, I am interested in MFW Adventures for the Fall. My daughter will be in 3rd and my son will be in Kindergarten. Has anyone done Adventures with these age groups together? Is it necessary to get the K kit? Of course supplement their own Language Arts and Math 🙂 Or should I just get the K kit for him and Adventures for her? Thanks!
I used MFW for 1st grade and have loved it! We are now going to be doing Adventure in US history. Did you use their language arts book? I looked at the sample pages and it doesn’t look like it has enough grammar or composition in it. What did you think?