We’ve been homeschooling for a number of years and have tried a variety of math curriculums over time. Finding a great fit for curriculum + child + family budget to work out is always a juggling act!
For the younger years, about Pre-K to 2nd grade, I’ve always appreciated materials that didn’t require a lot of fuss or gadgets — just seems to fit our homeschooling style better for that age group.
When it comes to mathematics in those years, our family has found a great fit with The Critical Thinking Company.
Known and recognized for their outstanding Building Thinking Skills series, Critical Thinking Co. offers several books to foster higher level thinking behind a subject — and they do them all from science to history to math.
Their Mathematical Reasoning curriculum books are excellent, and we’ll use these for each child coming through K to 2nd grade.
Here’s why we like Mathematical Reasoning:
- questions go beyond just computation problems
- trains the child to use problem-solving skills needed in higher level math
- uses accurate math vocabulary from the beginning (ex: number vs. numeral; first one refers to how many things are in a group, second one to the written version of a number)
- offers more thoughtful activity than simply drill and practice
- includes several critical thinking problems such as math analogies
- and more!
Mathematical Reasoning is a book and curriculum for the student. There is not a teacher’s guide, though helpful pages on “how to use this book” are included at the beginning.
Broken down into “levels”, each book corresponds to a grade (up to 5th grade is available) and all texts are written to nationwide standards for mathematics. From pre-K on up to 5th grade, each book can be used as a full and core math curriculum, or as a supplement.
Parents would need to purchase or already own manipulatives such as counters or base 10 blocks, etc., and the books offer instruction on using virtual manipulatives.
The skills and concepts presented do spiral through the whole book, so topics are covered several times with increasing difficulty.
Check out the many samples pages for each level.
We’ve found these books to be a great fit, a low-cost, yet high-return investment!
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{this post is written by Daniele of Domestic Serenity, a homeschool Mama of 5}
Daniele, we used the fourth grade Mathematical Reasoning book and loved it! (In fact, we were so disappointed with publication of their fifth grade book was delayed at the time, and we had to use something different that year. But it’s out now, and I’m sure it’s as excellent as the others.) Thanks for a thorough review. Blessings!