When I first found out I was going to review this product, I was excited. Since my boy’s love to play on their (non internet) computer with their educational games, I thought this would be great to try out. In the past we looked into different curriculum that offered computer learning and we currently use a (non-internet) computer program for my oldest son. Since we use one already I thought it would be great to see how others work.
Some thoughts I had before I registered and started the program:
- I have heard of other programs having lesson plans to set up before your child works on their lessons so that would be very helpful with this if I plan to have them work independently.
Is it cost effective? Cost is a huge factor in deciding any type of curriculum or program for my kids.
How much will my children learn while using this product?
Will it touch base on all Math and Language Arts for that grade level?
Will it be engaging as far as interest for my children?
Is it online or offline? Internet is tricky for me with my children. I don’t like them online at all..
Are they graded or assessed?
It mentions Science.. Is it Creation based or Evolution based?
How much prep work is it for Mom?
Do I need to assist or can they work independently?
First Impressions:
(I used this program on my youngest who is currently in 2nd grade)
You are allowed to have your children work in their designated level and also choose one grade below and one grade ahead to maximize their learning potential.
The stories are catchy and they really enjoy playing the games and are eager to get to the next one.
In the younger levels there is a lot of praise when they receive a correct score and they are encouraging when they don’t.
Little to no prep time needed for Mom.. Which is a huge bonus for me since we use other forms of teaching and prep time is necessary for those.
In the younger levels it speaks to the kids so if they don’t know how to read they can still follow along.
My son has now asked to do Time4Learning each day
I found out it was an ONLINE course so independent study was to a minimum since I don’t allow my children internet access, but might be ok for us as I get used to them using it and I keep an eye on them.
I found out that they don’t have a lesson plan right now to where we can set up what we would like them to work on to allow more independent study.
Science curriculum is Evolution based and not Christian based.
The price is worth looking at but not sure if it would work for us in the long term.
As the week’s went by and my son continued to use the program, he really enjoyed working through each lesson. He had access to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade curriculum but we mainly focused on the 1st and 2nd grade since some of the topics in the 1st grade Language Arts ended up being a wonderful review for him.
I am truly looking for a Language Arts curriculum for my youngest son that gives him more independence since he is still a beginning reader and a lot of his work requires my assistance. I was happy with what I saw in the month we’ve tried this out.
I am not sure how the 3rd grade and up works or the pros and cons to those grade levels but so far in the younger grades, it seems to be very friendly, encouraging and my son really enjoys it.
Here is my review of our experience using Time4Learning for one month.
Parent Forum available to discuss many topics from sharing recipes to homeschooling curriculum to using the online program
Additional printable worksheets to help your child better understand the lessons
Scope and Sequence on all grades and subjects
Each child has there own separate account
You can opt out on or remove any subject that doesn’t interest your family
Teacher’s Guides for Language Arts to engage your child in a deeper level outside each lesson
Subjects offered: Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies
You can change your child’s educational level one grade up or back to help with missing learning gaps at no additional charge and can change it with a click of a button
Refer a friend program helps you save money on the program fees
Two week money back guarantee
Monthly plan
Annual plan.
Paying quarterly reduces the monthly fee
Your child has his own log in and password
Parent’s have separate log in and password to enter forum and to change membership
Continuously updated curriculum
Student paced learning
Science and social studies programs are provided as a free bonus for most grades
Preschool through eighth grade curriculum
This is a secular program
Designed for the public school system but working towards homeschooling families
Evolution Based
Program was developed as a web-based Internet curriculum
No way to limit access to lessons or establish a lesson plan you specify for your child to follow. They are free to do what they would like if not monitored or watched.
Having the program web based for our family was a bit difficult so I placed that as a con for us but probably wouldn’t be for most families. I just limit my children’s access to the Internet and with them on this program I have to monitor them at all times since our Internet access is tucked away in my office and limits my freedom while the boys work on their lessons.
Like I mentioned, not everything that is a con for our family will be a con for your family and vice versa for the pros’.
This is a great value for an online curriculum for the two main core subjects of Math and Language Arts and with the free bonus of Science and Social Studies makes it a great value. Check them out!
If you would like to learn more about this online program you can at Time4Learning
HI…..Just wanted to say Thankyou for this review…We Tried Time4Learning and both of my kids really enjoyed it!!! We will defiantly be using Time4Learning as long as it works for my kids or untill 8 th grade 😉
I think anyone who is looking for a affordable Fun curricullum should try their 2 week money back trial…
anyways just wanted to share in the review 🙂
Keri mom of 2
We have been using Time4Learning for a little over 7 years as our core curriculum. I would like to add a few things to this review. There is now an assignment function so that you can make assignments for your student in advance. This past fall high school was added so for those of us with older students we now have the option of continuing with the curriculum our children already know. Middle school science is new and improved and the math curriculum has been updated. We consider it a great program, and as the parent/teacher I have to underscore that it plans the lessons and keeps records for me. We really love it!
My daughter used T4L through 8th grade. Now they offer high school courses so we are back. They did finally get a scheduler and lots of folks use it, however, we don’t. They also added new science classes for middle school and this week they released an updated playground. One of the things they changed is kids being able to navigate away from the site to play a game. Now they never leave the site so it’s safer I think.
Really enjoyed your review.