It's the all-in-one book for all things BPA. If you only bought one book, I would recommend A Guide to American Christian Education by Mr. James Rose. It details everything you need to know, from the foundations to how to 4-R to lesson planning. He also included a section for home educators with quotes from families in the trenches and answers questions specific to our situation. He goes … [Read more...] about A Guide to American Christian Education
Updates to The Homeschool Gadget
If you haven't downloaded the Homeschool Gadget Toolbar yet, there are now 2 more reasons to have this toolbar on your computer. The first is a facebook application that allows you instant access to our Curriculum Choice facebook page and a personal facebook gadget. The second new reason to download this amazing toolbar to your computer is that we now have a gadgets menu that has things such … [Read more...] about Updates to The Homeschool Gadget
Rod & Staff English
Sometimes it seems like curricula create confusion. Brightly colored texts, songs, jingles, computer programs, and educational games can all be useful learning tools, but perhaps we think that learning always has to be fun and exciting. Do all the extras really help, or could they actually be a detriment? Simple, systematic, and effective. These are all words that describe Rod & Staff's … [Read more...] about Rod & Staff English
Creativity & Nature Study
Shortly after I started homeschooling, I came across a wonderful activity that we now incorporate into our curriculum regularly. With the popularity of new technological gadgets, many people are familiar (to varying degrees) with Geocaching. Fewer, however, are familiar with Letterboxing. Letterboxing is an intriguing pastime that combines navigational skills and rubber stamp artistry … [Read more...] about Creativity & Nature Study
The Mighty Works of God: Liberty and Justice for All
Mrs. Ruth Smith is well known in Biblical Principle Approach circles as a mentor and Master Teacher of the Rudiments of America's Christian History (among many other topics). She saw a need for a Providential history text and thankfully she wrote it. There are to be 7 volumes in all, an this is the third. (The fourth is slated for release later this year or early next.) This volume is written … [Read more...] about The Mighty Works of God: Liberty and Justice for All
Classical Kids CD’s
What can be better for learning about composers than listening to a wonderful living story about the composer's life with his music intertwined in the story? My children and I have SO enjoyed composer study when we've been able to add a Classical Kids CD to the mix. The Children's Group from Canada has been producing classical music products for children for around 15 years - and they're very … [Read more...] about Classical Kids CD’s
Math Analogies Beginning from Critical Thinking Co.
We requested, and were given, "Math Analogies Beginning" from The Critical Thinking Co. Anything from this company is awesome but we are particularly excited about this book. If you are serious about your child's mathematical development, than you need to add critical thinking and analogical thinking to your curriculum. Here is a sneak peek of two of the 38 pages from the book (just click on them … [Read more...] about Math Analogies Beginning from Critical Thinking Co.
Hearts and Trees Kits
If you are looking to add handicrafts, art and nature study to your homeschool but do not have the time to gather materials and ideas then Hearts and Trees kits would be the best bang for your buck. We were given a Spring Kit to review and I thought it would be the perfect thing to add to our summer activities. And, it was! The main theme of this kit is learning about frogs. The first … [Read more...] about Hearts and Trees Kits
Oregon Scientific Smart Globe
I'm going to be honest. Geography has not been a subject that I've done a good job of working into our schedule. Every year I have plans to add more geography study to our days, and every year I start off strong and then let our geography studies fizzle out. My husband is a geography fanatic. (He memorized all the nations and capitals in the world just for fun!) So if it weren't for my geography … [Read more...] about Oregon Scientific Smart Globe
Miller Stories
From the time my children were preschoolers, and even now, we have enjoyed the Miller Stories by Mildred A. Martin over and over again! We started our journey with the Miller books by reading Storytime with the Millers. After gobbling up each and every story several times, we realized that the entire set would eventually sit on our bookshelf. And so it does. Each book, besides … [Read more...] about Miller Stories
Tips for Preparing for a Convention
If you are going to the 2009 Southeast Homeschool Expo, raise your hand! I'm going and I can't wait! I love conventions and expos, especially the vendors and freebies. At my last convention (NECC '07), I won a bundle of fabulous software. I also came home with enough free pens, notepads, and post-it notes to stock our school closet for the year. If you have never been to a convention before, … [Read more...] about Tips for Preparing for a Convention
Walking with Jesus: Noah Plan Bible and Reading program
Biblical Principle Approach is big on reasoning, especially reasoning from God's word. It can be a challenge to a home educating mom who was not taught this way. One resource to consider to help you on this journey is Walking with Jesus. This is designed for fourth grade, but I believe a fifth or even sixth grader could glean a lot. It is a softcover book with beautiful Biblical illustrations … [Read more...] about Walking with Jesus: Noah Plan Bible and Reading program