Are you looking for a mastery based math program for your homeschool?
Math-U-See is a mastery based math program. This means that it teaches math concepts to mastery.
This is very different from the spiral approach, which spirals through math concepts adding harder equations as the years progress. (Saxon would be a good example of a spiral approach). Understanding the difference between the two approaches can be key to picking the right math curriculum for your student.

Math-U-See For Your Homeschool
The great thing about Math-U-See is that each book teaches one math concept from beginning to end, meaning that in the addition book, Alpha, your student will be adding multiple rows and learning place value extensively. Then:
- Beta teaches subtraction.
- Gamma is multiplication.
- Delta teaches division.
- Epsilon covers fractions.
- Zeta teaches decimals and percents.
As the years progress they do cover previously learned concepts.
Division requires a student to be able to multiply and subtract, so why teach division until the student masters the previous concepts? That’s something I never understood about traditional textbooks.
Additional Benefits Of Using Math-U-See In Your Homeschool:
- DVD lessons for you to watch or student
- enough practice per lesson to master the concept yet not overwhelm the child
- review pages for previously learned concepts
- great price
- time, money, measurement, geometry are woven into the lessons
- word problems on every worksheet
I’ve used MUS from Primer – Zeta and have never thought twice about switching because of content. I think MUS is a wonderful math curriculum and my children have liked it also.
- A Review of Math-U-See Algebra I
- Math U See Review
- Math U See Works for Us!
- See Math Clearly with Math-U-See
- Math-U-See Review
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~ Originally published April 2009, written by Brenda