We requested, and were given, “Math Analogies Beginning” from The Critical Thinking Co. Anything from this company is awesome but we are particularly excited about this book. If you are serious about your child’s mathematical development, than you need to add critical thinking and analogical thinking to your curriculum. Here is a sneak peek of two of the 38 pages from the book (just click on them to make them larger):
What makes this book great:
- 38 pages with 152 activities.
- answer key
- teacher suggestions
- each exercise is linked to NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Standards of Number and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis, and Probability
- similar analogies as seen on high stakes testing
- teaches kids how to read analogies and understand analogy vocabulary
- teaches kids to draw and verbalize their answers
- non-native English speakers and non-readers can use this book
- challenging analogies
- based on grade appropriate standards for Kindergarten and First Grade students
While this book is for Kindergarten and First Grade students, it could also be used with children of higher grades or with gifted preschoolers. This book is a great addition for any math curriculum and helps your child develop important problem solving and critical thinking skills. This book can be used with all methods of homeschoolers and can fit into any budget.
This book can be purchased through The Critical Thinking Co. for $11.99.
We love this book and would definately recommend it to a friend!
Written by Kari, Momma Snail. She also blogs at The Snail’s Trail.
I love analogies! (When I wanted to get into grad school, I chose to take the Miller Analogies Test verses the GRE. And I can tell you that there are math analogies on the MAT.) Besides being fun I think they are a great way to practice logical thinking. I am curious to see if there are higher level math analogy books available.