In February we observe multiple Presidential birthdays as well as the national holiday, Presidents’ Day. The Curriculum Choice authors are here with a wealth of inspiration for you to study the American Presidents with this Homeschool Presidential Studies compilation.

Homeschool President Studies
Learning not only the American President’s names, but the order in which they served is a vital part of learning about American History. These facts, along with things like how our government was founded and the parts of our government, as well as the election process, form the basis of our nation. Here are some of the ways we have found to learn about these topics throughout our years of homeschooling!
- Hands on Fun – Using things like coloring books, sticker books, and activity books can be a fun hands on way to learn.
- Fun Resources to Learn About American Presidents – Songs, fact books, printables and more, this post gives you tons of resources and ideas for learning about our American Presidents.
- President Adams’ Alligator – This is a cute book for younger students about Presidents and their animals!
- Learning the Presidents of the United States – Here are a couple of song option that we have used to learn the Presidents in order {I still sing it my head when participating in trivia games and relevant questions arise!}
- U.S. Elections Unit Study– This elections unit study and lapbook from Homeschool in the Woods is an easy to implement way of learning about the history of our elections and the election process.
- Mostly FREE Election Resources – This is a list of videos, books, websites, and more for learning about our election process.
Resources for Studying American Presidents From the Curriculum Choice Archives
You can browse all our curriculum views by age and subject but here is a selection of reviews chosen especially for you from our archives for you to enjoy.
- Presidential Penmanship
- U.S History Resources from Dover Publications
- Our Favorite Homeschool American History Resources
- The American Story: 100 True Tales from American History
- Using the Who Was Series for Homeschooling
Our Curriculum Choice Pinterest boards Our Review Team and Homeschool Curriculum Reviews are packed with lots of inspirational pins so be sure to pay them a visit.
Homeschool Presidential Studies with the Curriculum Choice Authors
I would like to encourage you to visit our Curriculum Choice authors blogs as they regularly share ideas and give us a peek into what they are doing in their homeschools. I have no doubt that you will find lots of inspiration for studying the presidents from them. Below you will find some of their ideas on Homeschool Presidential Studies.
Canadian Prime Ministers from Tea Time with Annie Kate
There is a huge mystique about US presidents that Canadian prime ministers lack. Without going into reasons for that, one thing needs to be pointed out. Canada’s prime ministers included some pretty interesting characters who led their country through some significant challenges.
Our favorite guide, The Kids Book of Canadian Prime Ministers by Pat Hancock, has long been a regular visitor from the library. It is written for middle school but is a helpful quick review for teens as well.
Prime Ministers of Canada by Jim Lotz is a more in-depth book full of illustrations, stories, and forays into Canadian history. It is a good resource for high school, even though it is thirty years old.
We have begun watching The Prime Ministers, a fascinating set of mini-biographies produced by Holly Doan. These are so packed with information that watching them without already having a basic knowledge of the prime ministers (such as from the above books) is almost too much. However, with a bit of background knowledge they are a splendid resource for teens.
Presidential Art with Tricia from You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool
Presidents’ Day should really be referred to as President’s month if you are a homeschooler! Am I right? We can’t cram all of that good stuff into one day. It’s impossible; there are way too many interesting facts and rabbit trails to explore.
Here at You ARE an ARTiST, we know precisely how fascinating it can be to dive into the U.S. Presidents. We think all of our presidents deserve a celebration anytime! For that reason, we created the ultimate companion resource to our I Drew It And I Knew It Presidents Series: The Best Presidents Day Art Projects for Your Homeschool.
- Many of our studies – especially history – are supplemented with art. One of our favorites that you might enjoy is a Cherry Chalk Art Tutorial.
- Paint Abraham Lincoln’s famous hat with this video art lesson with Nana:
Nana has a series of President Video Art Lessons at You ARE an!
- One of our absolute favorites so far is Dave Raymond’s American History video series for high school. Be sure to stop by my full review here at The Curriculum Choice for more. Plus a full list of the video resources for high school that we love.
- We adore learning about our nation’s presidents through our Tapestry of Grace studies. With some Civil War field trips we learned a great deal about Abraham Lincoln.
- Every once in a while we declare a day of it and fit all all kinds of studies – including presidential.
- The presidential and Inauguration unit studies by Amanda Bennett are favorite learning as well! Open and go!
How about YOU? What do you cover Presidential Studies in your homeschool?
-hosted by Heidi Ciravola
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