Homeschool PE: Health, Fitness & Sports
We all know physical fitness is important and plays a big role in overall health. Childhood obesity rates are climbing as well as diseases that are directly linked to our sedentary society.
What can we do as homeschool parents to ensure that our children not only have a life-long love of learning, but a life-long love of good health? I firmly believe that moderation is key. We don’t have to give up our cars, our tv’s, and only serve lettuce and carrots for dinner! We can teach and model for our children good eating habits {not perfect!}, and good exercise habits.
It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money! While you can spend lots money on private classes and teams, you certainly don’t have to! Not only are there lots of low cost community options, but tons of free and at home options too!
You can get fit too! This year I started using the Walk At Home Program on YouTube. It takes just 15-30 minutes a day and I am demonstrating healthy habits for my children. You can also exercise with your kids by playing on the playground with them, going for a walk/jog/bike ride, and so much more!
Homeschool PE By Season
If you live in a climate like I do where you have very different summer and winter weather conditions, you may find it difficult to come up with fitness ideas to meet those needs. Here I have created lists for both Summer Homeschool PE Options and Winter Homeschool PE Options, for inside and out!
Homeschool PE, Fitness, Sports, and Health Articles from Our TCC Authors
Here is a round-up of ideas from some of the writers at The Curriculum Choice. See how we fit healthy eating and exercise into our homeschool days!
Should Homeschool Moms be Fit? from Jen – my answer and my reasons!
- 5 Easy Ways to Get Started with Exercise {Free Printable} from Jen – getting started doesn’t have to be intimidating or expensive
- How to Have a Fit Summer from Jen- make this you and your family’s fittest summer yet
- 9 Ways to Stay Motivated to Exercise from Jen- keeping the motivation going through the busyness of life
- Exercising with Your Spouse from Jen- one of my secrets for staying motivated. How to make it work in your home.
- 10 Easy and Mostly Healthy Family Favorite Meals from Jen- easy, kid friendly meals
- Healthy, Easy Snacks for Team Sports from Jen- snack ideas for the team sport sign up!
- Healthy Eating and Your {Adopted} Child from Jen- healthy eating tips for all kids
- The 10 Parts of the Hodgepodge Homeschool Schedule from Tricia- includes neighborhood pool PE time right after math as long as the pool is open!
- Healthy Mama series from Tricia- this is encouragement for you, the homeschool mama. “Quite sporadically I have shared the blessings and successes of health and diet adjustments at Hodgepodge. You likely know about the allergy challenges we face with our children. But now that it’s been eight months of a diet change, I thought I’d share the triumphs in healthy living for me – the mama.”
- How to Include Exercise for Kids in Your Homeschool Day from Heidi – With all the energy children spend running around and moving non-stop, you might wonder if it’s still necessary to introduce your kids into a fitness regimen. Experts say that in this era of computers and gadgets, the average child is no longer meeting the required amount of physical activity. Therefore including exercise for kids in your homeschool day is essential.
- 6 Snacks for Healthy Teeth in Kids from Heidi – Kids really love their chocolates and other sugary sweets. But, little do they know, that these foods can cause them a lot of dental issues in the future. So, it is now up to the parents to motivate and give their kids healthier alternatives.
- 3 Inspiring Books to Encourage Your Athlete from Heidi – We have young athletes in our house. While they may never be Olympic hopefuls or NFL stars, they strive for greatness in their own ways. I love it when they can see role models not only in the sports they participate in, but in other sports as well, living healthy, positive lives. Here are 3 Inspiring Books to Encourage Your Athlete that we currently have in our house.
- 5 Things Youth Sports Should Be from Heidi – I am always amazed at the kind of off the wall behavior that is demonstrated by parents. Things like bad sportsmanship, swearing, and lack of support and respect shown to those that make that sport possible for their child. Through the years I have observed lots of behaviors both positive and negative. Here I have created a list of things I feel people need to remember when it to comes to youth sports.
- 3 Week Hands On Teeth Unit from Heidi – Using books and lapbooks help your children learn all about their teeth in this fun unit study.
Homeschool PE and Family Fitness on Pinterest
Be sure to check out our Homeschool PE and Family Fitness on Pinterest for more great homeschool fitness ideas!
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