Whether you are new to the game or looking for a change, this guide to homeschool curriculum for kindergarten is sure to offer up some resource suggestions to get you going!

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Homeschool Curriculum for Kindergarten
Having homeschooled three kids and now my grandson, I can tell you that in Kindergarten we focused A LOT on reading and basic math. Those were the subjects we used more formal curriculum for, then the others I would often include a unit study here and there.
My youngest would go down the rabbit hole on a topic (like bees, dinosaurs, rocks, etc) and we would just roll with it. I’d find books, printables, videos, and more to feed her inquisitive mind.
All that being said, that is NOT THE ONLY OPTION! There are plenty of full curriculum options for homeschooling kindergarten, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with going that route!
Please take a look at the collection of homeschool curriculum for kindergarten I have compiled here for you. Some all in one packages, some subject specific. While it may not be an exhaustive list, there are more than enough options and variety to get you rolling!
Full Homeschool Curriculum Options for Kindergarten
Ambleside – a K (Year 0) through 12 (Year 12) curriculum based on the methodologies and philosophies of educator Charlotte Mason. It is free and uses many free books available online or for e-readers, a real benefit for cost savings.
ABC Mouse – full online curriculum for children ages 2-8. The Step-by-Step Learning Path presents the full ABCmouse.com curriculum in a carefully designed program of more than 850 lessons in ten levels. As your child completes each lesson, he or she is guided to the next one and is motivated to continue learning by ABCmouse.com’s Tickets and Rewards System.
BookShark. – Includes All Subjects: Reading with History A (History, Read-Alouds & Readers), Language Arts, Handwriting, Science and Math!
Timberdoodle – This is a great option for parents who want to be directly involved in homeschooling their children but don’t have much time. It comes with a thorough guidebook and an online scheduler with a checklist to help you go through the lessons at your and your kid’s own pace. The focus is on STEM, using dozens of games to help kids learn about STEM-related subjects.
Five in a Row – an easy-to-follow instructional guide for teaching Social Studies, Language, Art, Applied Math and Science using outstanding children’s literature as the basis for weekly unit studies. Five in a Row focuses on utilizing everyday activities as learning opportunities for children, in addition to immersing them in wonderful children’s literature.
Sonlight – With Sonlight you can choose Kindergarten History/Bible/Literature or All-Subjects packages. BOth include complete Kindergarten lesson plans, schedule and notes in the included Instructor’s Guide, so you can open-and-go, stay organized, and teach with confidence. Check out a Sonlight Science Kindergarten Curriculum Review Here.
BJU Press Homeschool K5 Complete Kit – focuses on Christian values in education, with with a hybrid approach of online with books. This program provides thorough instruction for teaching phonics and reading skills. It follows an integrated approach that includes skills for listening and responding with oral and written composition. Complete Science and Heritage Studies units are woven into the themes. The Reading Books for K5 give practice in reading skills and build comprehension and habits that further reading fluency. Songs, charts, and activities aid in teaching phonics and word meanings.
Horizons Kindergarten – Filled with consumable lessons and engaging, hands-on activities in math, phonics & reading, and health, this colorful curriculum set contains spiral-based lessons, supplementary readers, and useful teacher’s guides that help parents prepare children to enter 1st grade.
Time for Learning – a fun, engaging, easy-to-use homeschool solution. Time4Learning uses short animated lessons to engage younger students. It lets them move at their own pace due to its ease of use and automated grading system. Time4Learning focuses mainly on language arts skills and math skills at first, but as your child progresses, they get additional subjects such as science and social studies.
Khan Academy for Kids – a FREE APP that engages kids in core subjects like early literacy, reading, writing, language, and math, while encouraging creativity and building social-emotional skills.
Supplemental Homeschool Curriculum for Kindergarten
When my kids were younger I utilized workbooks a lot! You can pick up workbooks at Amazon or Barnes and Noble for a reasonable price and get tons of ready made learning and practice for your young ones.
180 Days of Practice for Kindergarten are just one great example. 180 Days of Reading for Kindergarten helps build reading comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and word study skills. 180 Days of Writing for Kindergarten helps build writing and grammar skills, including practicing the five steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Every practice page in 180 Days of Math for Kindergarten provides 6 questions, each tied to a specific mathematical concept.
Math for Homeschooling Kindergarten
IXL – hundreds of kindergarten math skills to explore and learn! Numbers and countin, skip counting, patterns, time, addition and more!
Saxon Math Homeschool Kit – A simple start to math with manipulatives teaching things like: counting skills (up to 31 using a calendar), reading skills, patterns (each month has a new pattern to color in the dates with), and calendar skills (days of the week, months of the year, etc.) Check out our Kindergarten Saxon Math Review.
SplashLearn Math Games– Online math games for kids in preK – 5th grade.
CTCMath – is an online math curriculum for children in grades K-12 (through Calculus). It is a video based program but also offers printable versions of the lessons and worksheets so your student can work pencil and paper as well if they would like to.
Shiller Math -offers two levels of math kits (along with a few other kits). Their math kits are Montessori Based and cover an age range from preK through 8th grade. What first drew me to them was all the hands on manipulatives.
Life of Fred Elementary Math Review – written in a story format about a little boy named Fred who uses math in his everyday life. Fred is a 5 year old boy who is a professor at KITTENS University. He encounters a need for math first, and then he does the math. At the end of each chapter is a section entitled “Your Turn To Play” with questions for your students to answer that relate to what they have learned in that chapter.
Science Kindergarten Curriculum Choices
Great Science Adventures – multi-grade level, secular homeschool science series from Common Sense Press
Outdoor Hour Challenge: Nature Study – Creating Habits Young – Here you will find some of the best tips for homeschool nature study and creating habits young. Nature study can be a family activity with short lessons for your preschoolers or elementary-aged children during outdoor time.
Nature Study for Young People – Here you can learn how you to easily start preschool/kindergarten homeschool nature study. Nature study for young people is a joyous time of discovery and a time of introducing children to the beautiful world God created!
Mr. Q Science – Classic Science series for kids in grades K through high school. Check out this review.
Evan-Moor Thematic Units – Animals, Insects, My Body, Plants, Farm, Ocean, Pond, Rainforest and Weather.
Science Explorer My First Science Kits – For ages 4 and up with adult supervision. A great way to introduce little ones to the world of science with kits like: Dino, Chemistry, Fizzy Foamy and more!
DK Science Workbooks K – Explore exciting topics like motion and light, and the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Discover different types of plants and animals, for a rounded view of all kinds of sciences. It’s packed with learning materials and activities that explain different types of science in an easy-to-follow format. Through fact boxes, exercises, puzzles and mazes, your child will build knowledge, develop cognitive thinking and get ahead of the curve
English Curriculum Choices for Kindergarten
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum – includes full curriculum PLUS resources for reading, writing, spelling, grammar and handwriting!
Ready for Reading – a phonics curriculum for preK and Kindergarten. This program brings a complete phonics curriculum to your homeschool in an ebook format for a fraction of the price you might pay for other curriculum!
All About Reading – This scripted, open-and-go program was developed for busy parents, teachers, and tutors who want to teach reading in the most effective way possible. It offers research-based multisensory instruction with lightly scripted lessons that give results with only 20 minutes a day. It’s a popular and proven, mastery-based program that covers phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension ensuring no gaps in learning. PLUS they have free placement tests so you can determine which level is right for your child.
Handwriting without Tears – a handwriting program with seven levels available starting in the pre-k level up to 5th grade. Their unique writing paper is unlike any other handwriting program. The writing paper does not have the typical three lines with the middle line being a dotted line. HWT believes typical handwriting paper causes line confusion for many students. HWT created writing paper with only 2 lines.
LightSail for Homeschoolers – language arts platform is a comprehensive and engaging online reading and writing program for children in grades pre-K through 12.
History/Geography for Homeschooling Kindergarten
Wee Sing America – From the Preamble of the Constitution to the Erie Canal it’s an American experience through song. A full hour of American heritage through song. The American folk songs and patriotic speeches give us a sort of survey of history from the Revolution to the Civil Rights Movement. Check out our full review here.
Sonlight programs go through a full history cycle three times between kindergarten and graduation. Each time through, children gain a deeper understanding of history. They includes topics such as World History, American History, Church History, World Cultures, American Government and more.
DK Geography Workbook K – This kindergarten workbook unpacks geography concepts through fun activities and exercises. Your child will discover topics like compass directions, continents, countries, states, cities and using different maps and map keys.
Music/Art Kindergarten Curriculum
Online Art Lessons Perfect for Grades K-3 – You probably have some memories from your childhood – particularly from the art assignments in your early education. But why? Why does art stand the test of time in learning? Here are some art lessons perfect for K-3.
Home Art Studio – Art educator Lindsay Volin created a set of instructional videos for grades K-5, all designed for home-based instruction. They are very easy to follow, providing step-by-step instruction on a variety of age-based projects.
Have you heard about eeboo? – Educational games and tools can be a fun and engaging way to help your children learn and grow. Eeboo creates toys, games, and gifts that help children learn and explore.
We hope you have found some great resources with our Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Curriculum for Kindergarten.
Be sure to check out all our Ultimate Guides for Homeschool! Including one for each subject:
Ultimate Guides By Grade:
As there is often an overlap of curriculum options across grade levels, I highly recommend you check out surrounding levels. For example, if you are looking at 1st grade homeschool curriculum options you might want to check out the Kindergarten and 2nd grade options as something might be listed there that wasn’t in 1st grade, but could still be a valid option for you!
- K-3
- Preschool
- Kindergarten (this post)
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- Middle School
- High School
AND stay tuned as we work our way through Homeschool Curriculum Options for Grades PreK-5, as well as Middle and High School too! {We will link them above as we go!}
Be sure to check out this What do Homeschool Methods Look Like in Real Life Series? to get an in-depth look at 8 homeschool methods along with resources and how -tos for implementing them in your homeschool.
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