It’s nearly August, already! Are you starting back to homeschool this month? Or are you, like we often were, planning to start in September, with kids beginning to get bored with summer activities? At BJ’s Homeschool, we didn’t start back until late August or early September. We liked to take a family vacation at the end of summer. And this gave us more time for family, and sometimes, we were awaiting our next year’s curriculum to arrive.
During those hot days of late July and August, we often needed to spend the days inside. When my daughter began to run out things to do and I needed to finish a project, I would look in my homeschool closet and pull out a workbook or two, like these Dover Workbooks for PreK – Grade 3.
~Don’t miss the discount code plus the giveaway at the end!!
The Dover Early Elementary package includes the following workbooks
1. Nursery Rhymes and More
2. Count It
3. All That Math
4. History & Me
Each of these workbooks are set up to be used independently. For the littlest ones, an older sibling might lend a hand too.
Nursery Rhymes and More – is for kindergarten and focuses on:
1. Handwriting – with letter tracing, and letter recognition activities
2. Nursery Rhymes – written in large print
…and more. I especially liked their nursery rhymes, which include more than twenty of them. There are colorful illustrations and fun puzzles or questions to answer afterwards. Great for snuggling on the couch and reading along on a hot afternoon.
Count It – is for ages 6 and 7 and is full of:
1. Colorful patterns, to teach patterning and visual discrimination
2. Counting activities
3. Simple addition and other number activities
…and more. This book is full of creative patterning activities which could be used with small toys, buttons, or the like, for hands-on fun.
All That Math – for 3rd grade, includes:
1. Addition and subtraction
2. Factoring skills and graphing
3. Multiplication and division
4. Place value activities
There are fun themes to learn about throughout the workbook, including sports, food, underwater activities, and more.
History & Me – This book is listed for 2nd grade but has historical concepts and information of interest to all ages. The workbook teaches:
1. Composition
2. Critical Thinking
3. Research Skills
4. Spelling
5. Vocabulary Building
This workbook is full of short biographies of historical figures, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Rosa Parks, and so many more. Each of these short summaries include the main points in the lives of important historical figures with comprehension questions to answer.
This could be also be used as a family read aloud and quiz game. Each biography is followed by questions, which could be turned into a quiz game, for fun. There is also a Tracing Your Roots section, which is all about researching your family’s own history.
Where can you find these Workbooks for Elementary Students? Special Discount!
Find each of the titles at the Dover Publications website. Plus for a limited time, you can get 25% off your order. Just use code WHBA through 9/01/15. There are just SO many resources for your homeschool. Be sure to visit Dover Publications and browse their teacher resources section.
Now for the giveaway!
Simply follow the instructions in the rafflecopter widget below…
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Betsy received these Dover Publications resources and compensation in exchange for an honest review. Please see our disclosure policy.
Betsy blogs at BJ’s Homeschool about high school and college and all the fun of homeschooling the early years too. As a veteran homeschooler and the mom of a college student and homeschool grad, Betsy also offers free help to homeschool families, She is the author of Homeschooling High School with College in Mind.
Hi Jamie!
Have a good day!
We’ll be using some of the K materials this year … maybe we’ll try some of the third grade also!
Jamie, that sounds fun!
Sweet! I like the nursery rhymes one! My kiddos are memorizing everything these days so that would be fun. 🙂
I love nursery rhymes, too, +Cat Wise! And these are written in large lettering, great for young beginning readers to follow along. Thanks for stopping by,
I think “Write It Your Way” and “History & Me” would be great tools in our homeschool. Dover always has a great variety of materials that we enjoy.
Thanks for sharing, +Leah!
I would love to have Alphabet? Alphabet! and Math Mania for our homeschool.
Thanks for stopping by, +Julia Cosgrove!
We would use Learn To Multiply, Landforms and Animals. I add Dover materials to our homeschool curriculum throughout the year…they have so many creative coloring and art books…I didn’t realize they had workbook as well…excited to add these to our curriculum.
Yes, these workbooks have just come out! I particularly liked the multiplication one, for review and practice. And my daughter also loved working in their coloring books.
Thanks for sharing how you used Dover Books in your homeschool, +Nicole M!
I think the books for science and history would be a great addition to our homeschool.
Great idea! The history one could be used with older students as well as younger ones, lots of interesting info there!
We love Dover Publications! We would enjoy using the Math and History workbooks.
I especially liked the history book, too, +Sara @ Embracing Destiny. Have a good day,
This series looks like fun!
I think so too, +Lora! Have a good day,
I love the Dover coloring books. We have dozens, on many educational topics. I am excited to see more options from them!
Aren’t their coloring books great! We love them, too, and thanks, Sarah, for stopping by, and sharing your experiences.