When my daughter was little, we spent time each morning reading simple character building stories together and talking about what they meant.
This became such a precious time for both of us each year. One of my favorite memories was when we read a story about caring and feelings. I recall saying to my daughter something like…”So we care about other people’s feelings.” She was only three years old at the time. She looked up and me with her sweet face and said, “We do?”

Character Development for Kids
This was the beginning of many discussions about what caring meant and how we could show that in our daily lives. I wish I had had known about the resources and books offered by Grace and Truth Books back then. Are you looking for character development resources your children? How about resources that are Biblically based?
Grace and Truth Books
The Children’s Character Building Collection:
Each of these 11 books are based on the renowned, classic 19th century Children’s Character Building Collection. Their newest printing is of high quality, filled with beautiful new art, hand-painted covers.
Want a read aloud? Here you are, a whole collection of them. Even adults enjoy these special stories, so gather all your children around!
The Children’s Character Building Collection set includes all of the following 11 books:
- The Bible in the Wall reverence
- Godliness is Great Gain diligence and faithfulness
- The Little Medicine Carrier honesty
- The Reward of Childhood Truth truthfulness
- The Weed With an Ill Name self-control
- Roses and Thorns integrity
- Tampering With Temptation resisting temptation
- Wandering May trustful faith in God
- Little Daisy and the Swearing Class controlling your tongue
- Theobold the Iron-Hearted loving your enemies
- A Little Rebel Becomes a Saint kindness and obedience
With a study guide, this series can serve as your Bible or character development curriculum for your children. The reading level is considered 4th to 5th grade.
The Children’s Character Building Collection – Study Guide
Children’s Character Building Collection Study Guide includes:
- Questions key elements of the stories
- With answers to aid in your discussions
- Activities to do
- Memory verses pertaining to each of these books: ESV or KJV bible versions
The study guide is written by Mr. Dennis Gundersen who served as Senior Pastor in three churches, and is visiting professor at the Tlapaneco Bible Institute in Guerrero, Mexico.
Below are the links for both the collection and the study guide, which are both reasonably priced.
- The Children’s Character Building Collection (for ages 7-12)
- The Children’s Character Building Collection Study Guide
- Grace and Truth Books also offers uplifting books for the whole family, and many more for children as well. You can find children’s books here.
Am looking for a storybook series for children to read on their own for our Children’s Church. The stories should be interesting, hopefully funny too and serve to build Christian character for children ages 5-11. Kindly recommend.