Rather than focus on one product this time around, I’d like to highlight an entire area of products from one company. Prufrock Press puts out super logic resources! I’ve had the pleasure of using five of their logic/critical thinking books for elementary children and would recommend them to anyone. Logic Safari Books are leveled for 2nd/3rd, 3rd/4th and 5th/6th grades. …
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A Journey Through Learning-The Arrival of a King Lapbook
We’ve been lapbooking since March 2008. When I found out about lapbooking I was thrilled since I have children that love to work with their hands while they learn. This was a perfect fit for us. The month of December we’ve taken a step away from our regular schooling and have solely focused on spending time together and learning more…
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Notebooking Pages
We have been using materials from Notebooking Pages in our homeschool for the past 3 years. Their online store has reasonable prices and a large variety of themed templates for children to use as they write about their studies. They even offer many free resources, and several informative articles about how to get started with Notebooking. We began notebooking when…
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Christmas Lessons
It’s that “most wonderful time of the year” again! Many homeschool families take the entire month of December off while others continue on with their regular school routine. In years past we have taken a break from our regular studies – even the 3R’s – to focus on some type of Christmas unit. This year, however, because of some unexpected…
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Thinking Games
My family loves games. Over the years, we have acquired a fairly large collection. But even with our large collection, we usually receive at least one new game for Christmas. But all games are not created equal. There are games that are completely based on luck, completely based on skill, and all combinations in between. I especially like games that…
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Hymns for a Kid’s Heart
After two year of homeschooling, I heard an idea I quickly embraced. In fact, I don’t know why it hadn’t been implemented already. Start each day with worship. We read the Bible. Math lessons were completed. Spelling done. But what about ideas wrapped in melody? I wanted words from the saints echoing in our soul. Our worship time varies greatly…
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Electric KitBook
We completed a unit study on electricity earlier in the year. As I was preparing for the unit, I kept wondering how in the world I was going to design hands-on electrical learning without having to buy lots of little pieces – and quite honestly, not really knowing what I was doing. Enter the Electric Circuit KitBook. This was an…
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Evan Moor-Daily Word Problems
The one area that our family tended to not work heavily on was word problems for math. It always seemed to be put in the back of the line with adding, subtracting and multiplying up at top priority. That was until I came across Evan Moor “Daily Word Problems” for Math. Reading of course needs to be in place in…
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Sonlight vs. Tapestry of Grace:Our Experience
This seems like a topic that has been covered elsewhere but I had a reader ask me about my thoughts and experiences with Sonlight and Tapestry of Grace. I will try to do my best at representing our family’s experience with both programs. I originally wrote this entry for my Harmony Art Mom blog in the spring of 2009. First…
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Earth Logic Curriculum Review
Finding a good science curriculum for middle schoolers can be a challenge, and Eva Varga has created another option for homeschoolers. Eva is a former public school science teacher, and has quite a resume, so she knows how to write effective lessons with creative experiments. Her Science Logic curriculum is a collection of secular lessons and activities for middle school students. There…
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