When I first attempted to use this curriculum, I had only the Primer. Boy was I lost! In fact, I was ready to simply toss the book in the trash until I realized there are other parts that go along with the Primer – like an Answer Key, an Activity Book, a Latin Reader, and most importantly (to me anyway) the…
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Meet the writers of Curriculum Choice
You may not have noticed that we updated our Meet the Authors page. Not only do we have some new moms joining us, but you can get to all the reviews that each mom has written, her blog and twitter id easily from this page. Take a moment and get to know our writers!
Young Scientists Club
The Young Scientist Club is a hands-on, build-able science curriculum that is geared for ages from 5 through 12. The units can be used as a whole science curriculum, as an enhancement to your existing curriculum, or as an individual unit study. Here is their current listing of scientific themes they have available: 1 Recycling 2 Scientific Measurements 3 Magnets…
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Hands-on History Fun
For some of us the idea of doing hands-on projects with our children can be daunting. I am neither crafty nor artistic, and I don’t enjoy making and cleaning up messes during the course of our school day. However, I have come to the conclusion that with a little bit of forethought and planning, including hands-on activities in our history…
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The Mighty Works of God: Self Government
History textbooks have a tendency to be boring, but I discovered a series of about American history to treasure. These books do not contain dry lists of dates or a simple retelling of events. Instead, they focus on the causes behind events: people and Providence. The Mighty Works of God consists of three volumes for the early elementary years. They…
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It’s a Zoo Out There! Apologia Review
There are so many interesting animals to learn about. Our favorite family field trip is to the local zoo. We have been going since our oldest was an infant and still enjoy it 8 years later with five children. It will come as no surprise to you, then, to find that we love studying animals in homeschool. Being a unit…
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Blog Hop give-away coming soon!
Curriculum Choice is hosting a homeschool blog hop give-away and we need help spreading the word about it! It is coming up in two weeks. Read this page for more information about how to participate.
Looking for writers
Curriculum Choice is looking for a few moms to fill some open spots. We are in need of a classical mom and a Charlotte Mason mom. If you love to tell others about the curriculum that you use with your family and you would like to join an amazing team of writers, then please fill out the form on our…
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Itty Bitty Bookworm: Toddler and Preschool Curriculum
The Itty Bitty Bookworm is a literature based curriculum for children as young as 18 months up to 5 years old. The curriculum comes on CD for the Bo and Baily Curriculum. The Bo Curriculum is geared toward ages 3-5 years old and the Baily is geared toward children ages 18-36 months old. As a Charlotte Mason inspired home school,…
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Considering God’s Creation Curriculum Review
I’m one of those homeschool moms who can never use a curriculum exactly as it is planned. I regularly tweak, skip, and add. So I admit that I’ve not used Considering God’s Creation as it is designed, but I’ve loved having it on my shelf as a resource for supplementing science and nature studies. Considering God’s Creation is written for…
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