I’d like to introduce you to a new app by Sprout Labs. Rocks HD is simple yet fun and educational. The app has four sections: rocks, soil, minerals, and fossils. Each page in every section includes a high definition picture and a fun fact at the bottom. There are also glowing circles called ‘hotspots’ on every page that you can…
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Foundations Bible Curriculum Review
Last year I came upon the Foundations Bible Curriculum and the author, Anne Elliot’s personal website. Anne’s website is full of encouragement for homeschooling families and some great freebies. I would encourage you to pop over and spend some time getting acquainted with this lovely godly woman, but today, lets talk about Anne’s Bible Curriculum. Format: E-book or Coil-Bound Format…
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Literary Lessons from The Lord of the Rings
Literary Lessons from The Lord of the Rings is a literature study of the complete Lord of the Rings trilogy. It’s designed for grades 7-12 and makes a very complete one year course in literature. Each of the books is further divided into sections within each book. For each of the sections in Literary Lessons from The Lord of the…
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Australian Story: An Illustrated Story Review
If you peek in at my blog you’ll probably be aware that we live in Australia, that my husband, and thus my children, are Australians. This means, that when we teach our children history we like to be sure we cover not only US and World history, but also Australian history. Here’s the thing though, we like to learn our…
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Scripture Stickies
Although most Christians believe in the importance of memorizing the Bible, many of us find it difficult to do. This is a problem, because as Christian homeschoolers our main task is to teach our children about the Lord, and that includes memorizing his Word. Lately our family has been using Scripture Stickies, a unique and flexible Bible memory resource that…
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{Review} Trucks and Shadows App for Preschoolers
Disclosure: I received a free download of Trucks and Shadows in exchange for my honest review. It didn’t take long after downloading Trucks and Shadows for Ian to find it on my phone. Billy, who is 6, enjoyed it a bit, but Ian, who is now 2, simply loves it. It’s usually the first app he opens when I let…
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Picture and Writing, Older Ages by Diane Hurst
During the school year we concentrate on many different subjects and sometimes writing suffers a bit because we are too busy with other things. So, now that it is summer, Miss 10 is using Picture and Writing: Older Ages by Diane Hurst to practice writing. The concept of this writing program is so simple and effective: Diane has come up with…
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Handwriting Helps: Fine Motor Cards Review
Is your child struggling with writing his letters? Or do they have trouble holding a pencil comfortably, or maybe they grasp it very tightly? Maybe your student hates to work in his handwriting book. Sometimes these issues can come from a lack of hand strength or fine finger coordination. Play-Pack-Fine Motor addresses these common issues. It also uses fun activities…
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Ready to Go Homeschool Resources on Sale
Have you followed Curriculum Choice on Bloglovin? Follow with Bloglovin. This post contains affiliate links to products we love and use in our homeschool! Please see our disclosure policy for full details. Here in the thick of back-to-homeschool planning and making curriculum choices, we are sharing with you some fabulous sales! Don’t miss these – most are simply download, open…
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Mega-Fun Card Game Math
The greatest math gift we can give our children in their formative years is the mastery of math facts. Are your children able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide quickly and successfully? Are your older children familiar with order of operations? Flashcards are a great way to drill math facts and test for mastery. Facts practice tests are also wonderful….
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