We are getting serious over here with our high schoolers. Recently we were introduced to AP Test Prep materials from REA.
What is really great? Three study tools at once! This, of course, speaks to learning styles. Plus my high schoolers can do their test prep anytime, anywhere with three study tools working together: book, web and mobile.
The two resources we have been using are REA’s AP U.S. History All Access and AP U.S. Government and Politics Crash Course.
~ Don’t miss the giveaway at the end. We received these REA Test Prep resources in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are our own and we love the benefits and blessings we are continuing to see! Please see our disclosure policy.
First off…
Notice the difference in size between the AP U.S. History All Access book (very large compared to the pencil!) and the AP U.S. Government and Politics Crash Course. Simply pick what meets your student’s needs most!
What is Advanced Placement (AP) and How Does it Work for Homeschool?
That was my question! Yes, I remember taking the US History AP exam myself in high school. But I didn’t have test prep resources like these fantastic books. I have both a rising senior and a rising junior. So the timing of these resources is perfect. With all our of Tapestry of Grace history studies over the years and our US Government course, we felt these subjects would be a great choice.
Advanced Placement exams are taken each May by students who have been in AP courses that year. So, having these resources now will be great prep for my students to take these exams next year.
Got a late start? The Crash Course resources from REA are great answer for that! So, you can get a crash course test prep book this month and be set for the May test.
ALL ACCESS™ A book that is more than just a book.
The All Access system gives you a targeted review of AP® topics, expert test-taking strategies, and an exclusive suite of online tools that will help you study smarter and score higher.
So, each book has a special code for the student to enter for online access to practice tests. For AP U.S. History, this includes:
- 9 quizzes
- 2 mini-tests
- 1 full-length exam
- 100 e-Flashcards
And for AP U.S. Government and Politics Crash Course, this includes a free, online practice exam.
Fully Revised
AP U.S. History All Access has been revised and is in line with the the new exam, which launches in May 2015. “There’s no two ways about it. The redesigned 2015 AP U.S. History (APUSH) exam is notably different from previous versions on the test – but don’t worry, we’re here to help you prepare.”
Three Study Tools Working Together
- Book: Targeted review of the material you’ll be expected to know on the new AP U.S. History exam, plus proven tips and strategies for answering every question type.
- Web: Diagnostic tools at the online REA Study Center help you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses, so you know exactly where to focus your study.
- Mobile: Customizable e-flashcards mean personalized prep – practice where you need it most.
How Are We Using These AP Test Prep Resources?
We are using REA AP Test Prep resources in just the way described – book, mobile and web. Both my high schoolers have different learning style. My eldest is very visual. While my son is an auditory learner. So we are finding the variety of learning material perfect to meet the different needs. Having the book, the web-based practice tests and the flashcards on their mobile devices.
The suggested course of study and the Test Day checklist are just what we need!
Have High Schoolers? You Might Also Be Interested In:
- AP Calculus All Access
- AP Chemistry Crash Course
- and all the other AP resources from REA!
- Plus, our author, Cindy, shared a review of REA’s CLEP Test Prep resources.
At $22.95 for All Access and $14.95 for Crash Course, I think the REA AP Test Prep books are well worth the money! But even better, you can save 20% through April 17, 2015! Use the code WEAF upon checkout.
Now for the GIVEAWAY!
One winner will receive the following from REA:
(1) AP US History All Access
(1) AP U.S. Government and Politics Crash Course
Simply follow the instructions in the rafflecopter widget below…
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Homeschooling for over fourteen years now, Tricia faces a daily dose of chaos with five children. She shares a mixture of art lessons, recipes and helpful homeschool habits at Hodgepodge. She and her husband, Steve (who writes app and technology reviews), are co-owners of Curriculum Choice.
Yes! We are in year two of APs at our homeschool. This is a great giveaway.
I think my daughter would find the World and American History books helpful.