With intentional planning, this month MAY be the best one yet to make family memories and have oodles and oodles of family fun. Choose some of these May Homeschool Family Fun Ideas below or create your own unique May homeschool family holidays to make it an aMAYzing month with those you love.
5 May Homeschool Family Fun Ideas
You know there is a day and holiday for everything right? Take some time during this month to check out these May Homeschool Family Fun Ideas based on some of the wacky days celebrated in May!
World Turtle Day
Create a fun craft to celebrate the beauty of God’s shelled masterpiece.
Turtle Craft
Give each person in the family an aluminum pie plate.
Using acrylic craft paint, embellish the underside of the pan to resemble a turtle’s shell.
Set aside the pan to dry completely.
Cut shapes from green or brown construction paper to use for the head, four legs, and tail.
Decorate the construction paper body parts with markers or crayon and glue on a pair of plastic wiggle-eyes to the head shape. When the paint is dry, glue the body pieces in place underneath the ‘shell’ of the turtle craft.
A great verse to memorize about God’s creations is found in Genesis: “Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.” Genesis 2:19 (NIV).
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
Shop as a family for favorite fruits and favorite vegetables to use in a delicious stir-fry recipe.
Stir-Fry Recipe
Choose zucchini, squash, broccoli, carrots, bean sprouts, white cabbage, onion, and more. Before beginning the stir fry recipe, work together to wash fruit and have an adult or teenager slice the fruit into bite-sized pieces.
Combine slices in a bowl and stir in a couple of tablespoons of orange juice to moisten.
Cover and refrigerate the fruit salad until ready to eat.
Wash vegetables together, and, again, have an adult or older child cut the vegetables into long thin slices.
Place two tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large skillet and heat.
Add sliced vegetables, minced garlic and soy sauce to taste, keeping in mind that soy sauce is very salty.
Stir constantly and keep heat high for about five to ten minutes. Vegetables should be crisp and crunchy.
Serve immediately, and for dessert, offer servings of the premade fruit salad.
While working in the kitchen, commit these two verses to memory: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness; self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 (ESV). Let each person share which one(s) of these qualities is (are) easy? Hard? Challenging? Pray together and ask God to strengthen each of the qualities within family members.
Paper Airplane Day
How many times has your family flown? Have you ever taken a trip in a seaplane? What about a helicopter? Celebrate the day today making paper airplanes. You can even take a little time to learn about aerodynamics with this Homeschool Science Unit: Aerodynamics with Paper Airplanes.
Have each person in the family fold and make several paper airplanes. (You can get ideas from the science unit above as well as searching online)
Label each creation with initials or a signature, so that planes can be distinguished one from the other. On a breezy day this month, take the planes to a wide-open space, like a playground or large grassy field or the back yard.
Have a contest to see whose plane can fly the farthest or highest before landing.
An encouraging verse to learn that fits today’s celeb ration is found in the Old Testament. Memorize this verse: “Then you will take delight in the Lord, And I will make you ride on the heights of the earth.” Isaiah 58:14 (NAS).
No Socks Day
Make Sock Toys and Play Games
Choose several old pair of socks, without holes, and stuff the toes or foot-area with uncooked rice or dried beans. Use rubber bands twisted several times to seal the sock ‘beanbag’ completely closed. Pull the excess sock fabric back over the stuffed part and seal again with another rubber band.
Then, go outside, barefoot, and play tossing games with the sock toys.
Take a clothes basket outside and toss the socks into the basket to see who can score the most points.
Have two people hold the ends of a beach towel, and let someone take turns tossing the sock beanbag. The towel holders should try to catch the beanbag in the towel without letting the stuffed sock hit the ground. Who got the most points for the games?
Or, toss the socks back and forth, like an egg-tossing contest, to see who can catch the most tosses without dropping the sock.
Learn another verse from Isaiah for the culmination of today’s holiday. “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’” Isaiah 52:7 (NIV).
Endangered Species Day
Did you know the American alligator hunted almost to extinction? That prompted the placing of the alligator as an endangered species by the Endangered Species Act of 1973. With strict hunting regulations and other conservation measures, the alligator made a comeback and was taken off the list in 1987.
Visit the United States Fish and Wildlife Service website to find out more about endangered and threatened plants and animals in your state, the country and worldwide. Find out what your family can do to help with the recovery of some of God’s beautiful natural wonders in your own backyard. Then take a family walk and look for wildlife, crawling insects, flapping birds, scampering squirrels, hopping rabbits, and more. Learn this verse as a reminder that everything on Earth belongs to God: “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.” Psalm 50:10-11 (ESV).
Make lasting memories throughout the month of May, with these May Homeschool Family Fun Ideas as well as other games and time together. Enjoy the beautiful weather, sample fresh vegetables, read books on the front porch or in a hammock in the backyard, or explore a new hiking trail. Be intentional to make the most of every minute of May!
More May Ideas
May flowers bloom exquisitely and decorate landscapes, ushering in a wealth of springtime beauty. As springtime continues to roll in, check out some of these wacky celebrations with your family!
- Drinking Water Week
- Mystery Month
- National Wildflower Week
- Dance Like a Chicken Day
With intentional planning, this month MAY be the best one yet to make family memories and have oodles and oodles of family fun. Check out some of these celebrations:
- World Turtle Day
- Paper Airplane Day
- No Socks Day
- Endangered Species Day
What better way to celebrate May the Fourth as a homeschool family than with a Star Wars unit study? May the Fourth Be With Your Homeschool!
In honor of Memorial Day, we are sharing some learning resources, crafts, arts and more from around the web. Enjoy these great ideas like making a flag cake, flag printables, patriotic crafts, and more!
It is almost spring! I hope you can feel your homeschool coming back to life with a refreshed energy to finish the year well. The authors here at The Curriculum Choice are feeling that renewed energy and have set out to encourage you with wonderful ideas for your spring homeschool.
From spring holiday celebrations and nature study to meaningful art and literature themes, we hope you’ll find at least a few fun ways to enjoy the season!
Are you planning a garden? Looking for a great way to teach your kids about gardening? Then the Gardens Unit Study by Amanda Bennet could be just what you need!
It has four wonderful weeks worth of study to complete which made it a perfect study for our summer homeschool. I would summarize them for you as:
- What is a Garden?
- History of Gardens: The Garden of Eden
- Botany- Plant Science in Our Gardens
- Planning and Planting a Garden
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Love these creative ideas, Julie! Almost makes me wish I was back twenty-five years, homeschooling my own again. We home schooled when it was not politically correct, but I’ll never regret it.
Grace, Jen
Isn’t homeschooling the best, Jeanette? No regrets here, either!