March marks the time of year when everything begins to turn green, from the tip-tops of trees with fresh buds and leaflets to the bottom of the toes with new blades of grass. With four-leaf-clovers and cookie sprinkles and t-shirts in every shade of green, the month of March hints that spring is around the corner. And it’s a great time to incorporate some March Homeschool Family Fun Ideas!

Incorporate all sorts of green merriment into the month of March. Eat green peas and beans, and broccoli, spinach, and lettuce. Snack on zucchini and pickles. Turn lemonade green with a few drops of food coloring and add a slice of lime to your water glass. Wear every shade of green imaginable.
Thank God for the signs of new life and rebirth that surround you as springtime creeps onto the calendar. Thank Him for the gift of life from His son, Jesus, daily. And celebrate with the March homeschool family fun ideas below or create a few of your own.
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 ESV
March Homeschool Family Fun Ideas
1. Little Red Wagon Month
If you have a red wagon in the garage or back yard, or if you can borrow one from someone, load a picnic lunch and blankets into the wagon, along with a copy of Katie J. Nix’s children’s book, Little Red Wagon.
Walk to a nearby park or to the end of the driveway, and along the way, memorize this verse: In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:6 (ESV).
Park the wagon and picnic nearby. Read aloud the children’s book or make up pretend stories about little red wagon adventures.
After the picnic, create your own little red wagon craft by painting a lidless shoebox with red paint. Attach four cardboard wheels and a cardboard handle using paper fasteners. Once the paint is dry, use the craft project for a table centerpiece.
2. National Button Week
Take part in a family contest to see who has the most buttons in their closet. Count buttons on closet garments (or limit the count to ten items for each person), then choose some gently-worn pants, dresses, or shirts to donate to a second-hand shop.
Deliver a load of donations and pick out one article of clothing for each person in the family, and make sure to pick out an item with buttons!
On the drive to donate or on the drive home, practice this verse in the car until it’s committed to memory: O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty. Psalm 104:1 (KJV).
If your sewing drawer has a collection of buttons, play tic-tac-toe on the table using buttons. Players can determine their buttons by color or number of holes per button.
3. Flour Month
Make homemade biscuits together. To make the bread festive for the season, use a shamrock cookie cutter.
Biscuit Recipe:
In a large mixing bowl, sift together two cups of all-purpose flour, one tablespoon baking powder and one-half teaspoon salt.
Cut one-half cup shortening into the flour mixture.
Pour three-fourths cup milk into the mixture slowly and stir with a fork while pouring.
Turn the moistened dough out on a floured surface and knead in just enough flour so that the dough is no longer sticky.
Roll dough out into a one-half inch thick sheet and cut using a floured biscuit cutter or cookie cutter.
Place biscuits on a lightly-greased baking sheet and bake in a 450 degree oven for ten minutes or until biscuits are golden brown.
While the biscuits bake, read the Bible story in Genesis 15:1-18 that includes Abraham’s request to Sarah to bake bread.
4. Take a Walk in the Park
Plan plenty of hikes throughout the month, looking for signs of spring. Pick a new place to walk each weekend.
Snap pictures with your cell phone of springtime sightings and create some serious and some silly poses at each park you visit throughout the month.
Memorize this verse at one of the stops along the way: You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11 (NIV).
5. Proofreading Day
Search thru todays newspaper to sea how many mistakes you’re family can locate? (How many errors did you spot in the previous sentence? If you found five, you’re a perfect proofreader! )
With autocorrect and spell-check, mistakes aren’t as common as they used to be, but then again, maybe they’re more prevalent. With typesetting and other mechanics of publishing printed material, mistakes are bound to sneak into the final copy. Some people are masters at catching errors and delight in pointing them out to others! Celebrate those grammar and punctuation experts and the gift of proofreading by looking for errors in print throughout the day.
Practice this verse until no errors exist and pray, asking God to point out hidden faults: But who can discern their hidden errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Psalm 19:12 (NIV).
Proof your love to family members this month – did you catch that grammatical error? Find much to do in March to make it a memorable month!!! Incorporate green in the merriment, and may the luck of the Irish and the love of family be you’re …. I mean, your….. constant companion this month! But most especially, may God’s love surround you all thirty-one days of the month!
More March Ideas
What’s that saying about March? In like a lion, out like a lamb? And, conversely, in like a lamb, out like a lion? The gentle breezes or ferocious ones of March seem to chase winter away and make room for springtime. Whatever the weather in your neck of the woods, enjoy the month of March by celebrating some of these March Homeschool Celebrations.
- March Forth Day
- Pencil Day
- National Words Matter Day
- National Celery Month
St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated annually on March 17, the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over 1,000 years. On St. Patrick’s Day, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon.
But it’s not just for the Irish! You can learn about and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in your home or homeschool even if you aren’t Irish!
On March 2nd Theodor Seuss Geisel, known to the world as Dr. Seuss was born. He is widely recognized for his contribution as a writer, poet and cartoonist, having published over 60 books for children mainly based on imaginative characters and rhymes. These books serve not only as wonderful learning tools, but provide a world of fun and imagination for children.
This Everything Dr. Seuss is a collection of resources including books, movies, printables, and more from the writers here at The Curriculum Choice.
March is National Reading Month. During this month schools across the nation are encouraging children to read, every day. Reading opens the doors to so many other things and is an essential skill for children to gain. Even if your children are not able to read to themselves yet, I encourage you to read to them yourself, every day.
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