Have you ever gone looking for printables on a topic? Have you ever needed a notebooking page to quick print off for your kids to get their thoughts down? Then I think you’ll be happy to hear more about this website, Activity Village!

Activity Village: A Valuable Source for FREE Homeschool Printables (including Notebooking Pages!
I don’t recall how I happened upon this site, but I’m glad I did. Activity Village is a huge site devoted to crafts and activities for children. You could easily spend hours perusing all they have available (ask me how I know!). Everything I’ve seen is marvelous, but what really makes me full of glee is their FREE notebooking pages.
Simply type “notebooking” in the search field, and Eureka! You have found it: the motherlode of notebooking pages. My favorites so far are the famous people notebooking pages, which are arranged alphabetically by last name and also sorted into categories, including:
- United States Historical Figures, including presidents
- Famous Scots
- British Kings and Queens
- Irish Men and Women
- Famous Australians and Famous New Zealanders
Printables For Your Homeschool
Printables include lined notebooking pages, coloring pages, flash cards, mini booklets, origami booklets, and writing frames. Not all historical figures offer each printable option, but still it’s nice to have some choices in what to use in lessons. Plus, you’re likely to find something for all ages, from preschool through high school.
You can find numerous other topics as well, such as:
- Thanksgiving
- The Olympics
- Dinosaurs
- The Titanic
- Chinese New Year
- Animals
- Ancient Greece
- Different Countries
- The Mayflower
Not only are pages easy to locate, they are also easy to use. Each page is a pdf. You can either print it directly from the website, or you can save it to your computer so it’s always at your fingertips. And best of all, they are completely and totally FREE! No subscriptions, no payments, nothing. {As of the update of this post in 2023 there are both free and membership options at Activity Village}
My family is new to notebooking, so I am not keen to spend much money here at the outset. Also, we tend to use notebooking pages for written narrations, so plain notebook paper would do. But thanks to Activity Village, my children can enjoy using quality notebooking pages to gussy up their work, and I can enjoy both the quality of the pages AND the savings in my wallet!
Using Activity Village In Your Homeschool
A word from Activity Village about their site, “Hundreds of crafts and games at Activity Village are free for everyone, but our Activity Village Members also get access to over 38,975 special printable activities. We add new activities nearly every day so there’s always a reason to visit the website, explore and download! Have a look around the website, subscribe to our free newsletter, and, when you are ready, we would love you to become a member so that you can start enjoying our printable activities! Activity Village is a small family business, and our aim is to make your life easier by helping you keep your kids busy and happy.”
~Originally published December 2012. Written by Ellen
Thanks for sharing this resource!
Ellen — I did NOT know about this site. Thanks so much — the notebooking pages look good!