When you stick with a curriculum throughout your homeschool years, I believe it speaks volumes to its success and ability to meet the needs of different learning styles. Spelling Workout is more than just spelling.

Besides Spelling Practice, Spelling Workout for Homeschool Teaches:
- Learning how to spell a word
- Phonics
- Dictionary skills
- Editing and proofreading – including proofreading marks
- Word analysis
- Classification
- Word application
- Optional – Building a Spelling Notebook and a section of reviews or ‘tests’
Spelling Workout for Your Youngest Homeschool Spellers
- Can practice sounds, letters, words, word meaning, rhyming words, 1-4 proofreading exercises and a writing exercise.
- Example of Writing Directions: Write sentences that tell how to play a game you like. Tell the name of the game, too.
- Spelling Tips: You can hear the long i sound in kite. What sound do you hear in the words like, ride and bike?
Older Homeschool Spellers
- List words in cursive plus classification, scrambled words, proofreading, puzzles, missing letters.
- Additional handwriting practice (optional)
- Practice writing (e.g., writing a recipe using list words)
Natural Speller? Struggling Speller?
Two of my children are blessed with a natural ability in spelling. Both pick up spelling easily from reading and writing. For one child, though, spelling has been a challenge. So, for my natural spellers, Spelling Workout is fun practice, building confidence and layering spelling skills. For my struggling speller, Spelling Workout is the thinking challenge needed for success, addressing spelling in many simple ways.
Spelling Workout is not strictly memorization. When my children complete a lesson they are reading a passage, applying the words in sentences, creating their own stories, viewing the word in a dictionary and/or completing a crossword puzzle and more.
We honestly do not complete each and every exercise in each workbook. However, as I see a child has mastered a word list, we do a few complimentary practices and move on to the next lesson.
Which Spelling Workout Level Would Your Child Use?
I was introduced to Spelling Workout when I read The Well Trained Mind. The Well Trained Mind site has A Guide to Which Spelling Workout Level Your Child Would Use (scroll way down for the chart).
Spelling Workout by Modern Curriculum Press is:
- available for $12.47 from Learning Things.com
- consumable, workbook style
- published in both 1994 and updated 2002 versions. We’ve used both.
In summary: Spelling Workout is the basic, thorough spelling program we have needed for spelling success. I like that spelling practice includes fun word games plus challenges older children with editing and writing skills. It’s all in one place – in a workbook. Based on a child’s mastery, I can assign a portion of a lesson or be assured of plenty of practice with all the exercises offered.
Be sure to check out Adelien’s review of Spelling Workout for EFL Learners. She shares the success of using this spelling curriculum for her English as a foreign language learners.
Hi I loved your review. I’m new to blogging and was wondering if I could post your review to my blog?
Hi Angela – I’m glad you liked the review! You are welcome to share a link to my review: https://www.thecurriculumchoice.com/2012/07/spelling-workout-review/ Thanks for asking ~ Tricia
i just bought this to use for next year! So glad you liked it. I feel more confident in my purchase now 🙂 Thanks for the great review!
Alicia – so glad you found this helpful! I hope you and yours enjoy Spelling Workout as much as we do.
This program has helped my daughter Alyssa who is in the 4th grade and a struggling speller.She is using Level D and already I can see improvments in her spelling
Imagine my surprise when I googled Spelling Workout and found this! Memoria Press is switching over to SW from Rod and Staff, so I was looking for reviews. Rachel is a marvelous reader, but struggled so bad with spelling that I ditched it totally last year. I’m looking forward to starting fresh. Thanks for this comprehensive review!
Dianna – I’m so glad! I think you will find that it also works nicely in a family with multiple children – to have everything in one spot – in a workbook. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Thanks, Tricia. I finally was able to get to your review. I’m moving this to the top of our short list for spelling options this coming year. I appreciate your help and advice. 🙂
So glad it was helpful Kelley!
Thank you for this review! I love hearing that it’s worked for your family over many years and for many children. This is exactly the kind of resource I’m looking for!
Kortney – I hope Spelling Workout blesses your family as much as it continues to bless mine!
Do you have a preference between the 1994 edition and the 2002 of Spelling Workout? I always used the 1994 edition and now, for the first time ever, I am using the 2002 edition. It feels like the 2002 edition is a little different, a little less clear. I am wondering if I am just remembering things wrong, or if perhaps when I order more, I should hunt down the older version?