To schedule or not to schedule, that is often the question roaming through my mind. I, personally, love a schedule. I like things to be in neat lines and tidy rows. I get excited walking through the organizational aisles at the local shops. A spreadsheet makes me smile and if it’s colour coded I’m in absolutely heaven.
My family on the other hand… not so much. Here’s the thing though, certain family members happen to thrive better on a schedule even if they don’t entirely love the idea behind it.
While I was debating to schedule or not to schedule Amy at Raising Arrows offered up one of her ebooks: The Homemakers Guide To Creating The Perfect Schedule in exchange for a review. While I’m not normally one jumping up and grabbing items in exchange for reviews I really felt the urge to read the book and see if it could help shed some light on my thoughts.
How I Use It:
The ebook is pretty easy to read. Amy did a wonderful job in keeping it simple and giving plenty of examples and links to explain what she was speaking of, including her own personal experience. In fact, the only difficult thing about reading this book was getting the guys in the house to give me five minutes peace!
I like to read through things and then take the time to really think about them. When I read Amy’s examples of a Schedule or Routine family I have to admit a light bulb went on for me and I spent a lot of time thinking about that.
This lovely little ebook covers everything from setting up a schedule or routine for your family in regards to housework, chores, & meals all the way down to planning out your homeschool days.
What I Love:
I love that this book holds your hand as you move through a really simple process. Because let’s be honest, when you think about scheduling or making routines it can be kinda overwhelming at first.
I loved all the examples via pictures, web links and suggestions given. I’m very visual and this was a huge bonus for me.
I love that this book is simple and to the point. This means I’m likely to bring it out each summer and read it again as I set up a new routine for the approaching school year.
I love that the author’s honestly about the fact that life happens and schedules or routines simply have to change. Sometimes just for the day and sometimes all together in order to adjust to the changes happening within your home.
I love the chart that comes with the book! I love charts and having it there gives me a jumping off point for creating my own routine!
Bottom Line:
If you’re looking for help in creating a schedule or routine for your family you really can’t go wrong with this inexpensive ebook!
~Written by Kendra of Aussie Pumpkin Patch
It sounds like this book makes a wise distinction between schedule and routine families. Knowing what your family is can make a huge difference to your happiness.
Thanks for this review.
Making a schedule is easy but following it is a great challenge. Perhaps any tool can help. Thanks a lot for sharing this. 🙂
Schedule vs. Routine — focusing on Routine works much better here in our home. I’m revamping ours now, looking forward to a new school year. I have read through Amy’s scheduling advice – fabulous!