Reviewed Item: Positive Action for Christ—The Life of Christ
School Level: Middle School–High School
Product by: Positive Action for Christ
Product Description:
To many people Christ is merely a historical fact, rather than a living, personal reality. We know that Christ lived, and we know much about what He did; however, even we as Christians seldom experience His presence as we should.
The purpose of The Life of Christ from the Gospel of John is to make Jesus Christ real to your students. Our hope as you journey through this material is that your students will not only know Jesus more, but also love Him more.
—From the site, Positive Action for Christ
My Thoughts:
I was thrilled to get this study in the mail for review. I have been looking for an in-depth bible study which embodies historical and spiritual aspects for my family. I feel Positive Action for Christ managed to provide such a study. Not only are given ample historical and geographical information you are taken on a journey to truly meet Christ. I felt this study enhanced our love for the Lord and appreciation for the Word. The study is well organized and very interesting. The student text is beautiful in appearance on the inside and out. Each lesson is well written with exercises which challenge the student to seek truth from the Word. The teacher’s manual will give any parent regardless of biblical knowledge the confidence to teach and learn from the course. The teacher’s manual comes in a high quality three ring binder with information on each lesson along with a DVD with transparencies to enhance the lessons.
It has been my experience that either a study is based in historical fact and lacks the spiritual or based in the spiritual but lacks in history. This lesson encompasses both aspects so supplementation is not needed. The study fits nicely into any homeschool style. The doctrine is sound and not slanted toward any particular religion, denomination or school of thought.
Checked out their website and it all looks so interesting. It’s always nice to find new devotions/Bible studies that we can do as a family. I wondered if you thought it was absolutely necessary to have the teacher’s manual too, or do you think a family could use the student book just fine? (Cost is always an issue for us 🙂
Hi Rhonda, thank you for your comment. The student book is bascially a textbook. At the end of each chapter there are questions, notes, and “digging deeper” questions. The teacher’s manual contains a guide on how to teach the lesson and what to point out. It also contains answers to the questions in the student text as well as quizzes. So do you need it? It’s nice to have but honestly, that depends on how comfortable you are with the Bible. Some may not need the teacher’s manual while others will use it with every lesson. It also provides insight and more details on the lesson. However, if you are well versed in the bible you may not need it. I would suggest purchasing the student book first. Look over it and read it and see what you think. Do you need the objectives defined for you? Do you need the answers to the questions being asked? Would you benefit from the CD that has transparencies?
Hope you enjoy it! It’s a great lesson that gives students a historical and spiritual appreciation of the bible.