It’s that time of year again where everyone is talking homeschool curriculum choices. Maybe you are just starting out and don’t know where to begin, or maybe you are using something you don’t love and looking for something new. Want to hear about homeschool curriculum choices from those of us that have been in the trenches? Well here is your chance!
Making homeschool curriculum choices can be a sticky thing. Do you choose something that works for you? Is the cost worth the gain? What about your child’s learning style?
Homeschool curriculum choices are a personal thing. They will vary based on your budget, your personality, your child’s needs, how much time you have, what your family needs are and so much more! Don’t get caught up in looking at what someone else is doing and feel as though their choice is somehow better than yours. Instead look at what other homeschoolers are saying about the curriculum they are using, both positive and negative, and decide how those observations can help you choose what is best for you and your family.
From The Curriculum Choice Archives
At The Curriculum Choice we have shared tips for making homeschool curriculum choices easy. Be sure to browse the tabs above to find related reviews. You might also enjoy these that we’ve selected from our archives.
Here are some of the Homeschool Curriculum Round-Ups from our Curriculum Choice Authors that are broken down by age and/or subject:
Each of these are posts specifically pertaining to CHOOSING homeschool curriculum in these subjects/ages.
Choosing Homeschool Curriculum By Subject:
Choosing Homeschool Curriculum By Age:
- Preschool & Kindergarten
- Elementary
- Middle School
- High School
- Choosing Homeschool Curriculum for Multiple Ages
Homeschool Curriculum Choices From Curriculum Choice Authors
The Curriculum Choice authors have active blogs where they regularly offer ideas and experiences about their homeschool adventures. Below are some of their homeschool curriculum choices.
From Heidi at Starts At Eight
I am always surprised, but then again not so surprised, at how popular my Homeschool Curriculum Choices posts are each year. I started doing it as a nice way to keep track of what we were doing each year (it makes a great visual record). While I still do it for that reason, I also hope to help others get some new ideas, or find something they were looking for to enrich their homeschool.
We are a more school at home type of family and thus I have each year planned out with curriculum as our base. There are some things (like Singapore Math and Teaching Textbooks) we have really stuck to, and other subjects (like history and science) where I have tried many curriculum options and approaches.
You can find all of my Homeschool Curriculum Choices posts here. {It’s funny that as I am writing this I noticed my posts started when I was homeschooling my oldest in 6th grade and now I am homeschooling my youngest in 6th grade this year!}
I have been homeschooling for 12 years. I started when my oldest was in second grade. She is in college now. SIGH. This year for the second time I have just my younger two at home. Here are a few years that stand out for me:
- Homeschooling High School for the first time.
- Homeschooling Elementary, Middle, and High School at the same time. It was easier than I thought it would be!
- This year – The first year I will no longer be homeschooling elementary school, just middle and high school this year!
From Cindy at Our Journey Westward
While I have our curriculum choices and schedules made for the 2017-18 school year, I don’t have that post pulled together yet. I’ll tell ya that it’s going to be another great year, though! In the meantime, I think you’ll love taking a peek through our Charlotte Mason-inspired curriculum choices and schedules from recent years…
- 2016-17: A Year of Boyschooling – 11th and 4th Grades
- 2015-16: Another Year of Boyschooling – 10th and 3rd Grades
- 2014-15: The Last Year I Was Homeschooling Three – 12th, 9th and 2nd Grades
- 2013-14: The Year I Was Homeschooling Elementary, Middle and High School (I made it!) – 11th, 8th and 1st Grades
- My Favorite Curriculum Choices of All-Time K-12
Betsy @ BJ’s Homeschool
We homeschooled from preschool to high school. Our daughter is now a rising college senior, can you believe that? We can’t! We are so glad that we homeschooled all the way, as it has meant so much to us as a family, building those strong relationships which have continued through the college.
Our Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th – These are our favorite high school curricula resources that we used, and it includes tips for college and lots of resources for electives, too.
My Favorite High School Curriculum & Resources
Now let’s look at our curriculum choices for the earlier years, starting at the beginning, with those precious Preschool and Kindergarten years…
First Grade – Working with ADHD
My Favorite Hands-On Elementary Curriculum and Resources
Middle School Choices and Favorites
Our Curriculum Choices for 8th Grade
From Annie Kate at Tea Time with Annie Kate
It’s that time of year again, and I’ve finished selecting most of our curriculum! After having gone through this process each year for two decades, and having graduated three from our home high school, this is no longer the ordeal it used to be.
This year we are planning a relaxed year of high school for ages 15 and 17. This is a fairly new thing for us, and a challenge in its own way since previous years were more academic. You can find all our curriculum posts here and I’ve listed a sampling below. Remember, though, that plans change—we never have followed our plans exactly, but having thought them through carefully helps us make wise decisions when the inevitable tweaking begins.
First, just for fun, is a list of Our 5 Kids’ Top 30 Homeschool Resources.
From Tricia at Hodgepodge
Just this last weekend I finished pulling together the rough outline of our curriculum choices. I haven’t yet had a chance to share a new list of resources. Many are the same. We love Teaching Textbooks, Tapestry of Grace, Rod and Staff, Apologia science. I love for us to all learn together as much as possible. So our high schooler will be studying Chemistry and our 6th and 4th graders will as well – with Apologia’s Young Explorer series. Our high schooler will also enjoy some Compass Classroom video courses as electives.
Here is a round up of Curriculum Choices at Hodgepodge. Plus all a listing of our choices by grade, those for high school, science choices, video courses for high school and more.
I’m also planning for us to focus on advent in December and enjoy Amanda Bennett’s Winter Games study in February. You might like to browse my Return of the Routine: 6 Simple Steps to Success.
“Seek God in your homeschool. His burden is easy. His yoke is light.” ~ Wisdom’s Way of Learning by Marilyn Howshall
The Curriculum Choice Review Team Features
- Our Choosing Curriculum Pinterest board.
- Have you enjoyed this special post from our review authors? Our Curriculum Choice review team features a topic monthly. You can see all that our authors have shared on electives, math, curriculum choices and more under Review Team Features.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE so you won’t miss any reviews from our team of veteran homeschoolers!
~ Hosted by Heidi
This was interesting and helpful – thanks!