Welcome to The Curriculum Choice and our HUGE LIST of Homeschool Curriculum Options for Middle School! While every possible option for middle school is not listed here, I have strived to include a wide variety of styles, prices ranges, etc. so you have a solid place to start.

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This is a collection of homeschool curriculum options for middle school. It is in no way an exhaustive list but it covers many of the great curricula I have seen throughout the years. Be sure to also check out the subject specific lists I have created as they contain even more curriculum options for those subjects.
Full Homeschool Curriculum Options for Middle School
BookShark – uses levels based on age ranges (pre-K through age 16) instead of a grade system. They use this flexible level system because kids mature at different rates. They offer full as well as subject based secular curriculum options.
Calvert Homeschool – In the middle school years, Calvert’s rigorous curriculum focuses on helping students to become increasingly independent learners and preparing them to succeed in high school and beyond. This complete homeschool curriculum provides everything you need to successfully homeschool your child. Each complete grade-level package includes: lesson plans, built-in assessments to evaluate progress and an online platform that puts everything at your fingertips.
Compass Classroom Curriculum Review Index – visual and auditory learners especially thrive when they have some video curriculum in the mix. Using high school video curriculum from Compass Classroom makes it easy on the homeschool schedule. History, Biology, Economics, Writing and more!
Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool (grades preK-12) – complete, FREE, Christian homeschool curriculum. You choose the courses. Set it and forget it. Then your child just clicks on the assignment box for each course and starts their assignments. It will track what lesson they are on and their days. It does not save any other information.
Middle School Homeschool Curriculum Choices – A look into how one mom homeschools middle school. With an inside look into the curriculum she uses.
Sonlight – Easy-to-use lesson plans, schedules, and materials from preschool through high school. Sonlight is the complete Christian, literature-based homeschool curriculum that includes everything you need to teach your children: homeschool history, math, science, and more!
Study.com – (grades 3-12) Build a custom homeschool curriculum plan with Study.com. Their online curriculum is crafted by the best teachers to help you meet your child’s education goals. Complete with video lessons, auto-graded assessments, and on-demand help from expert instructors, their self-paced courses help you create the perfect custom learning path for each child.
Tapestry of Grace – (grades K-12) a unit study style curriculum designed to help parents provide a Christian, classical, Charlotte Mason education. The history of the world is Tapestry‘s organizational theme. Its goal is to help students see the patterns of God’s personality and works.
Time4Learning – This comprehensive curriculum includes thousands of interactive lessons and engaging activities in math, language arts, science and social studies, all of which correlate to state standards.
Homeschool Middle School Math Curriculum
Shiller Math Curriculum – (grades preK-8) offers two levels of math kits (along with a few other kits). Their math kits are Montessori Based and include tons of hands on manipulatives.
Teaching Textbooks – (grades 3-12) 4.0 is now in app form! use it at home on the computer or on the go. Each level is full year of math where the teaching and grading are all done for you.
CTCMath – (grades K-12) an online, subscription math program that uses short and to-the-point lessons that are appealing to kids and helps build their confidence in math. Kids can learn at their own pace with the ability to stop and rewind the tutorials as much as needed, and students have access to all grade levels throughout the subscription so they’re able to work ahead if desire and ability allows. Also their automatic grading, weekly email updates, easy navigation, and parental controls for advancement are helpful tools for mom.
Math-U-See – (grades K-12) a skill-based, multi-sensory homeschool math curriculum that uses a step-by-step system for introducing, reviewing, practicing, and mastering concepts. The lessons are taught using a multi-sensory approach such as manipulatives, videos, and other resources that appeal to and benefit a variety of learning and homeschool styles.
Unlock Math – (grades 7-12) online math courses for junior high and high school levels – pre-algebra through pre-calculus, and they do ALL the teaching, testing, and grading for you.
Horizons Math – (grades K-8) a Christian curriculum that uses a spiral learning approach to math that helps students master concepts through continual review and reinforcement. Using hands-on activities, a variety of manipulatives, and straight forward lessons, Horizons math lays a solid foundation. Here’s a review of Horizons Younger Grades
Mr. D Math – (grades 6-12) an online math program for upper level math – Pre-Algebra through Calculus and Trigonometry. You can choose between self-paced courses or live online classes that meet once a week.
Saxon Math – (grades K-12) uses a spiral approach to teach students math in small amounts, continually reviewing concepts to keep them fresh and memorable. The early grades (K-3) are substantially different from the older levels, using manipulatives heavily and requiring much more teacher involvement.
Singapore Math – (grades 1-6) teaches children to think mathematically instead of simply memorizing processes and facts. They use a three-step process by starting with concrete learning, then moving onto pictorial models, and finally using abstract approaches.
RightStart Mathematics – (grades K-8) a complete elementary and middle school math curriculum that uses hands-on methods, visualization, and provides strategies and games to stress understanding and problem solving. The primary learning tool is the AL Abacus, a specially designed two-sided abacus that is both kinesthetic and visual. Math Games from RightStart Math – A review
Homeschool Science Curriculum for Middle School
Upper Grades Homeschool Science – Transitioning to upper grade math with Apologia.
Your Backyard Homeschool Nature Study Laboratory – We are here to help you with some methods that have been shared over the last decade, guiding hundreds of families to successfully navigate nature study close to home. When establishing a new habit, we have always found it helpful to start small and work on consistency.
Homeschool Bird Study for Different Learning Styles – This homeschool bird study for different learning styles is a wonderful example of how nature study can benefit any child. It allows you to provide a variety of experiences to tap into their natural learning style and complete a bird study all along the way!
Life Prep Physics – (grades 4-12) This is just one of the many courses offered by College Prep Science. They offer Christ-Centered Live & Self-Paced Online Classes for Homeschooled Students. (And YES there is a lab component option!)
Apologia’s Exploring Creation with General Science – a curriculum that is well laid out, gives us a plan to follow, makes assignments and grading easy for the parent, and is age level appropriate.
Sonlight – (K-College Level Lab Sciences) offers complete and easy-to-use hands-on science programs which cover the full spectrum of science studies—from earth, space, life, health, physical, electrical, and technological science, to college-level lab sciences (chemistry, physics, biology and more). Your children will learn these subjects in greater depth as they circle back through each topic over the years. Kindergarten Science Review
Real Science 4 Kids – (grades K-8) Their Building Blocks series is designed to be a rigorous, yearlong program for grades K–8. It uses a spiral approach where each of the subjects—chemistry, biology, physics, geology, and astronomy—are seen repeatedly over the months and years you use it. A review of Chemistry Level 1
NOEO Science – (grades 1-8) a complete science curriculum that is designed for you to open and be ready to go with minimal prep. Each box contains an instructor’s manual and lab manual, activities packaged with the materials, and living books. All you need are common household supplies.
Abeka – Christian science for kids in grades 1-12
Middle School English Language Arts Homeschool Curriculum
Oak Meadow English 8 – is all about introducing the components of good literature to your middle schooler and includes 7 novels, grammar study, writing assignments and more.
Lightning Literature and Composition – is a literature based program whose focus is on Preparing for High School Composition Skills by Responding to Great Literature. Using literature as a base, Lightning Literature teaches reading and writing skills, literary analysis, composition skills, and vocabulary.
Writing Resources by Spectrum – a helpful, step by step workbook for middle school writing, full of creative ideas for middle schoolers. It offers many tips for structuring their writing as well.
Spelling and Vocabulary from A Beka – a vocabulary and spelling program, starting in middle school with Vocabulary, Spelling, and Poetry I
Cover Story Writing Curriculum – Cover Story is truly a delightful and incredibly engaging program fully taught with video lessons. A complete language arts course including grammar, the basis is that students should pursue writing via their passions.
BJU Press English – Help your children sharpen the tools of language use–writing and grammar skills. Your children’s analytical abilities will grow as they expand their vocabulary and learn to use words in context. They will learn how to read literature in the light of biblical truth and how to deal biblically with objectionable elements. BJU Press Literature teaches an appreciation for literary techniques in Scripture, presents a variety of genres from a range of cultures, and develops critical thinking skills.
Readers in Residence – designed for kids in grades 4-8. It infuses reading comprehension, literature, and vocabulary into one program, using solid, age appropriate literature.
7 Sisters Literature Guides – teach literature-learning skills but don’t kill the book and aren’t full of busywork. the guides only cover simple background, basic vocabulary, one or two literary themes or devices, and inferential skills-building questions.
Brave Writer – offers a variety of writing curricula and resources, they also provide home study and online courses.
Soaring with Spelling/Winning with Writing/ Growing with Grammar – All from Jakris Publishing –
Homeschool Digital Language Arts from Compass Classroom – When you think of homeschool language arts do you think of traditional textbooks, spelling quizzes, writing resources and workbooks? We use all of those wonderful tools in our homeschool too. But do you know what is a fabulous addition? Homeschool digital language arts! Digital language arts have enriched our learning greatly.
Learning Language Art Through Literature – English lessons have never once been a chore with this curriculum – honestly! Our girls have loved each and every Learning Language Arts Through Literature (Llatl) book and I have to say that it has prepared them well, given them a solid grounding in grammar, writing, vocabulary and exposed them to lots of wonderful classical literature.
Rod and Staff English – is a solid, systematic English program that covers grammar and writing topics thoroughly. It’s a Mennonite publication so you’ll find many farming references (and religious ones as well). It isn’t flashy and colorful, but its simple style is easy to follow, and when you complete the series, your children will have a very firm grammar foundation.
Writers in Residence – a homeschool writing curriculum is designed for kids in grades 4-8. While your child completes various writing assignments, they will also grow their vocabulary, learn about sentence structure, the parts of speech, and the conventions of the English language for punctuation, capitalization, and usage.
WriteShop – I can’t begin to tell you how impressed I am with WriteShop. I have recently acquired WriteShop I to use with my 8th grader and I am finding it to be a comprehensive writing curriculum that includes detailed help for both student and parent.
Daily Grammar – a FREE grammar curriculum that covers the eight parts of speech, the parts of a sentence, and grammar mechanics.
Daily Grams – 5-10 minute, daily review to be used at the beginning of each lesson; Students use concepts learned in capitalization, punctuation, and other areas on a daily basis; Promotes mastery learning
Easy Grammar – a grade-by-grade program, teaching kids the essentials of grammar. There are about 180 lessons in each book, making for one easy lesson a day. Each lesson only takes 10-15 minutes to complete.
Homeschool History Options for Middle School
The Story of the World – is a four-volume set covering the sweep of human history from ancient times until the present. The books are written at increasing levels of difficulty, and can be read aloud to younger children or read independently by older children. The Story of the World is written in such a manner that the ages and grade levels can be very flexible. You can easily dumb down or build up according to the needs and ages of your children.
Simple to Implement US Geography – History and Geography go hand in hand. You can’t fully understand what was happening and why in a time and place if you don’t understand where it happened, the climate, the geological limitations, what hurdles the location presented, etc. This is a simple way to include US Geography alongside your history studies.
Home School in the Woods – Hands-on history materials including timelines, maps, lap books, and history studies designed for your child to live the lessons!
Notgrass History – Offers three years of curriculum for students in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8. America the Beautiful covers American history and geography. From Adam to Us explores people, places, and events from Creation to the present and all around the world. Uncle Sam and You introduces children to American government and civics. Each curriculum includes a variety of assignments that encourage thinking Biblically, building vocabulary, and practicing creative writing.
Beautiful Feet – If you are looking for an easy way to use living books for homeschool history, than Beautiful Feet Books has just the thing for you! Living book based history curriculum for grades K-12!
The Mystery of History – a four volume, complete, chronological history of the world that takes you through history from 1708 to 2014.
Trail Guide to US Geography – (there’s a world one too) offers many different choices for studying each of the states. There are daily geography drills and map work with lots of extra engaging activities to choose from.
Sonlight – Their programs go through a full history cycle three times between kindergarten and graduation. Each time through, children gain a deeper understanding of history. They includes topics such as World History, American History, Church History, World Cultures, American Government and more.
Other Homeschool Curriculum Options for Middle School
Why Homeschooling Middle School is Better with Hands-On Learning – Study after study has shown that learners of all ages do best when the material is presented in a multisensory format. Text combined with video, hands-on creative activities, and even art as a way to demonstrate understanding have all been proven to contribute to more successful learner outcomes.
Homeschool Art for Middle and High School – You ARE An ARTist offers options for learning beyond a basic art class., going to far as to make it part of other academic subjects. Their Clubhouse Membership has tons of opportunities for older learners.
Lord of the Rings: A Homeschool Study to Rule Them All – Now your kids can create The Lord of the Rings art with chalk pastels! Let Nana take you step-by-step with her video art lessons. All you’ll need is a starter set of chalk pastels and a pack of construction paper. Add in the books, movies, and some snacks, and you’ll have a homeschool art study to rule them all.
The Beauty of Art, Music and Nature In Your Homeschool – Learning art and music history is very important, as is learning about the world right outside our door. Now you can quickly and seamlessly include the beauty of art, music, and nature in your homeschool.
Homeschool Online Spanish Course – a virtual world language school that provides an innovative learning environment with native speaker oversight and instruction.
Online Technology Classes with MYTEK LAB – live, online classes that meet every week. These are recorded so that students who can’t attend live still have the opportunity to benefit from these classes. In addition to the weekly class, students have a weekly help class available in which they can get live help. All classes are interactive, and the students also have assignments, quizzes, and projects that are due each week. Some of the classes are: Computer fundamentals, 2D Game Art 1, Programming 1, 3D modeling for games 1, VR Development 1, Web Design 1, and more.
Typing/Keyboarding Resources – In this age of technology it is ever more important that our children become not only familiar with, but skilled with a mouse and keyboard and their typing skills. This is a collection of various programs FREE and paid) to help your students with this skill.
You ARE An ARTist Fine Arts Plans for Homeschool Art and Music Appreciation – Homeschool art and music appreciation plans for every grade level.
We hope you have found some great resources with our Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Curriculum Options for Middle School.
- K-3
- Preschool
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- Middle School (this post)
- High School
AND stay tuned as we work our way through Homeschool Curriculum Options for Grades PreK-5, as well as Middle and High School too! {We will link them above as we go!}
Be sure to check out this What do Homeschool Methods Look Like in Real Life Series? to get an in-depth look at 8 homeschool methods along with resources and how -tos for implementing them in your homeschool.
This guide is incredibly helpful! I appreciate the detailed breakdown of different curriculum options for middle school. It’s great to see the pros and cons of each approach laid out so clearly. I’m particularly interested in the resources recommended for hands-on learning. Thank you for the valuable insights!