For many homeschoolers and their families, preparing for the high school years means getting your high schooler ready for college too. Here at the Curriculum Choice we’ve got plenty of help from our authors in the form of helpful posts and reviews that cover the resources you need to get confident in your college prep.

Resources For Getting Your Homeschooled High Schooler Ready for College
Enjoy this huge list of resources for getting your high schooler ready for college from our Curriculum Choice author team as well as a great list of resources from our archives.
Heather from Blog, She Wrote
I’m all about helping families to prepare their out of the box teens for college! If your teen approaches life differently, is sick, or struggles with learning disabilities, ADHD, anxiety, depression or all of the above, I have a message for you. Your teens can do big things! These resources below will help you to mentor your teen through a personalized homeschooling high school experience and to prepare them for college beyond homeschool.
The Beginner’s Guide to Preparing a Homeschooler for College– this post outlines the basics of getting your student ready for college success and offers resources for the job. Sign up for the free Common App checklist.
How to Navigate the College Selection Process as a Homeschooler– how do you go about narrowing down schools and understanding the process? This post will help you and your teen to know the steps to take to get there.
Preparing for College Made Easy: A Guide to the Common Application– You don’t want to miss this huge resource for your high school student and learn how to use it for applying to colleges. Sign up for your free Common App checklist.
5 of the Best Non-Ego Boosting Reasons to Apply to an Elite School– We’ve all heard about the idea that elite and competitive schools aren’t worth the hype. With two teens, so far, who attend high tier and Ivy League schools, this post goes through the reasons your student may want to apply to an elite school. It’s not for everyone, but the reasons are real and they are compelling.
How to Apply to Art & Design School– preparing for your teen to attend a design school is a different process. Get started with some best practices and tips.
Homeschooling for College by Design– this course goes through all of the college prep items and gives you tried and true methods for preparing your teen. You’ll find information on applying to elite schools and service academies as a homeschooler and there is a Transcript Builder that comes with the course which allows you to create an official transcript that automatically calculates annual and cumulative GPAs.
Homeschooling High School by Design Membership– This membership is designed to mentor you through the process from the start of high school through college application and acceptance. We have 2 live calls a month devoted to topics related to planning high school and college prep. We also have regular transcript workshop where I help you with your transcript. Check out our membership library topics here.
Tricia of Hodgepodgemom and You ARE an ARTiST
We have always followed a college preparatory course of study in our homeschool. Because we want our children to have wide open options for the next steps after homeschooling. We want for each of our children to follow the path the Lord has for them. That path could be college, it could be a local trade school, taking a gap year, gaining work experience. Helpful Homeschool Habit: College Visits
What I’ve Learning Homeschooling High School to College – I shared this when we were getting our first child ready to move to college. Making lists, buying books (not unlike purchasing homeschool curriculum), filling out medical forms and more. While we have been doing this, it occurred to me that you might be interested in all I have shared about homeschooling high school plus our college search process.
The Imperfect Homeschooler’s Simple Guide to the College Search – This is a post I shared while we were in the thick of the college search for our eldest. Now she is a college grad! Deep breath. You’ve reached it – the college search. As a homeschool parent, the college search may have seemed so far off. It certainly did for me. However, it is fantastic journey to be on with your high schooler. My high schoolers and I have learned a few things the last four years. We are still learning. Still stepping out into unknown territory. But it is exciting! And the Lord has every step in His most capable hands.
Homeschool Mommy Marks and Universities – such sound, solid, practical advice from our author, Annie Kate. Advice I referred to when getting our homeschool high schooler ready for college.
This is How You Can Earn an Art Credit for Homeschool High School – (includes a printable Visual Art Credit Tracker). Many states require one visual art credit for the completion of high school. As fellow homeschoolers, we know that homeschool families like to plan their own way! That’s why You Are An Artist is an excellent fit for your visual art credit needs. Our flexible path to a visual art credit with chalk pastels allows you the freedom to plan; however it best suits your student.
Cherish this time! It goes so fast, friends.
Betsy Sproger of BJ’s Homeschool
Hi! I am a veteran homeschool blogger, who homeschooled our daughter through high school. And am so glad that we did. Then we helped her get into each of the colleges that she applied to with scholarship offers. Since then, my mission has been to encourage other families who are doing high school at home, while providing easy to use resources for getting into college. I recently joined in the SuperHeroes Conference this last August, offering a workshop on High School, which was a lot of fun.
How to Go From Homeschool High School to College is round up of my best tips for going from homeschool to college. This collection of over 10 posts includes: making homeschool transcripts that the colleges are used to seeing, writing a winning college essay, choosing college prep curriculum and so much more. I have been writing about collegef rom a homeschooling perspective for over 7 years now. Each of the artciles above have been updated, revised, etc, every year since my dear daughter graduated.
SAT/ACT/CLT Test Prep My best tips on dealing with college test prep, with frugal and free resources to help your teen prepare for their testing. It also tells the story of how we did that in our homeschool.
How to Deal with College Applications and How Electives Can Help Encouragement and tips for the college application process, plus how high school electives can be a help in getting your teen into college. Plus they are so fun to do!
BJ’s Guide to the Common Application Many colleges are using the Common Application now, so I made you a step by step guide for how to complete this document, including everything that you need to know to do it, without any stress. This is a freebie to you, without any signup.
Get Your Teen into College This gives your important and basic information re helping your teen get into college.
Course Descriptions and Reference Letters Not all colleges require course descriptions, but if they do, it is very helpful to keep records so that making them would not be hard to do. Here are my best tips for that.
Making the College Choice It is so exciting to get the college acceptance letters, but making the choice with your teen can be daunting. Here is help for that.
Homeschool High School Art and How to Make it into a High School Credit Fine Art is required for college applicants. I recommend using Tricia’s art pastel courses. More on that is here.
My Frugal Guidebook to High School and Getting into College – Would you like your own step-by-step guide to homeschooling your college bound teen? I wrote a book on that, which is also in kindle form if you prefer. It is frugally priced, at ($5.99 Kindle) and full of information and encouragement for you and your teen.
It is on Amazon and is called Homeschooling High School with College in Mind – 2nd edition It is recommended by Lessa Scherrer, a certified college counselor and a homeschooling mama of 3, and our own Heidi, from Starts at Eight was kind enough to review it for me.
Heidi Ciravola from Starts At Eight
Two out of my three kids have graduated from our homeschool so far. One of them has graduated college and the other one is currently in college. My baby is homeschooling high school right now! I have always homeschooled them with college in mind. That way if they wanted to go straight to college they could.
As the years have gone by I have definitely changed my outlook on some things, and learned so many things along the way.
- One of the big things is to not stress so much! Things do fall into place.
- Being diligent in keeping records makes it easy to follow any path your child would like.
- Look to veteran homeschoolers for advice, they have experiences that are invaluable!
There are lots of books out there on preparing for college. In 3 Books to Help Prepare College Bound Teens I share 3 of my favorite books, besides Betsy’s Homeschooling High School with College in Mind!
One of the ways your child can earn college credit in high school is by taking either AP Exams or CLEP Exams.
- The Scoop on Earning AP Credit in High School is all about what an AP Exam is, why your child might want to earn AP credit and how to go about doing so.
- What is a CLEP Exam? Is the first in a series of articles I have compiled to walk you through the process of what, why, how AND even how to handle failing one as one of my children did!
More Resources To Help Homeschoolers Get Ready for College
- 10 Steps- Preparing for College– check out these tips from Kim on how she prepared her girls for college and application time.
- Homeschool to College– Find out how Betsy prepared her daughter for college as she helps you with the process
- Top College Test Prep Resources– Resources on SAT and ACT prep plus CLEP exams for college credit
- SAT Question of the Day – If your teen is planning to take the SAT, it’s a good idea to practice. You can spend huge amounts of money on SAT prep classes, or you can buy a practice book as we did. However, the valuable first step we take is free: in grade 11 we start doing The Official SAT Question of the Day.
- Dual Credit at Home – an excellent option for dual credit while homeschooling high school!
It’s an exciting time for your family and your high schooler! We are here to help when it is time to get your homeschooled high schooler ready for college.
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