Welcome to The Curriculum Choice and our HUGE LIST of High School Homeschool Curriculum Options! While every possible option for high school is not listed here, I have strived to include a wide variety of styles, prices ranges, etc. so you have a solid place to start.

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This is a collection of high school homeschool curriculum options. It is in no way an exhaustive list but it covers many of the great curricula I have seen throughout the years. Be sure to also check out the subject specific lists I have created as they contain even more curriculum options for those subjects.
Let’s Get Started with Some Articles About Homeschooling High School
- 4 Year high School Plan FREE Spreadsheet Printable
- Thinking About Homeschooling for High School?
- Homeschool High School Learning Styles
- Homeschool High School to College
- Homeschool High School Finish Line
- High School Homeschool Parent Teacher Conference
- So You’re Scared to Homeschool High School
- How to Plan a Student Led High School Course
Full High School Homeschool Curriculum Options
High School Homeschool Video Courses – Compass Classroom offers high school level video curriculum in subjects such as History, Biology, Latin, Economics, Writing and more!
Sonlight – Easy-to-use lesson plans, schedules, and materials from preschool through high school. Sonlight is the complete Christian, literature-based homeschool curriculum that includes everything you need to teach your children: homeschool history, math, science, and more!
Study.com – (grades 3-12) Build a custom homeschool curriculum plan with Study.com. Their online curriculum is crafted by the best teachers to help you meet your child’s education goals. Complete with video lessons, auto-graded assessments, and on-demand help from expert instructors, their self-paced courses help you create the perfect custom learning path for each child.
Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool (grades preK-12) – complete, FREE, Christian homeschool curriculum. You choose the courses. Set it and forget it. Then your child just clicks on the assignment box for each course and starts their assignments. It will track what lesson they are on and their days. It does not save any other information.
Tapestry of Grace – (grades K-12) a unit study style curriculum designed to help parents provide a Christian, classical, Charlotte Mason education. The history of the world is Tapestry‘s organizational theme. Its goal is to help students see the patterns of God’s personality and works.
Power Homeschool – an online PreK-Grade12 homeschool curriculum. Uses video-based Acellus® courses taught by some of America’s greatest teachers.
Homeschool High School Math Curriculum
Teaching Textbooks – (grades 3-12) 4.0 is now in app form! use it at home on the computer or on the go. Each level is full year of math where the teaching and grading are all done for you.
CTCMath – (grades K-12) an online, subscription math program that uses short and to-the-point lessons that are appealing to kids and helps build their confidence in math. Kids can learn at their own pace with the ability to stop and rewind the tutorials as much as needed, and students have access to all grade levels throughout the subscription so they’re able to work ahead if desire and ability allows. Also their automatic grading, weekly email updates, easy navigation, and parental controls for advancement are helpful tools for mom.
Math-U-See – (grades K-12) a skill-based, multi-sensory homeschool math curriculum that uses a step-by-step system for introducing, reviewing, practicing, and mastering concepts. The lessons are taught using a multi-sensory approach such as manipulatives, videos, and other resources that appeal to and benefit a variety of learning and homeschool styles.
Unlock Math – (grades 7-12) online math courses for junior high and high school levels – pre-algebra through pre-calculus, and they do ALL the teaching, testing, and grading for you
Mr. D Math – (grades 6-12) an online math program for upper level math – Pre-Algebra through Calculus and Trigonometry. You can choose between self-paced courses or live online classes that meet once a week.
Saxon Math – (grades K-12) uses a spiral approach to teach students math in small amounts, continually reviewing concepts to keep them fresh and memorable. The early grades (K-3) are substantially different from the older levels, using manipulatives heavily and requiring much more teacher involvement.
Khan Academy – (grades K-12+) offers high school level courses for FREE such as Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics, and Calculus.
Homeschool Science Curriculum for High School
Khan Academy – high school sciences including biology, chemistry and physics, as well as AP course level biology, chemistry, and physics.
Apologia Science – Christian Elementary, Middle, and High School Science. Here is a collection of all The Curriculum Choice Apologia Reviews and you can find even more great Apologia Reviews over at Hodgepodge.
BookShark – secular, ages 5-16, literature based, hands-on, easy to use
College Prep Science – (grades 4-12) This is just one of the many courses offered by College Prep Science. They offer Christ-Centered Live & Self-Paced Online Classes for Homeschooled Students. (And YES there is a lab component option!)
Sonlight – (K-College Level Lab Sciences) offers complete and easy-to-use hands-on science programs which cover the full spectrum of science studies—from earth, space, life, health, physical, electrical, and technological science, to college-level lab sciences (chemistry, physics, biology and more). Your children will learn these subjects in greater depth as they circle back through each topic over the years.
Abeka – Christian science for kids in grades 1-12
Mr. Q Science – Classic Science series for kids in grades K through high school. Check out this review
DIVE Science – Self-Paced Science Courses that include earth science, chemistry, physics, biology, and chemistry. Check out a review of DIVE Integrated Physics & Chemistry
Real Science 4 Kids – hands-on, secular curriculum for kids ages 6-18
Taylor Made Science – offers a series of live, interactive, online science courses designed to prepare students for success in science at the university level. Secular.
High School Science for the Horse Lover – How to plan science to include in-depth equine studies.
High School English Language Arts Homeschool Curriculum
The Power of Adding Art to Literature Lessons – art makes a difference in how we can connect with literature! Bringing a story or poem to life in this most accessible way, allows a learner to not only understand the learning, but retain it as well.
Ambleside Online – (K-12) curriculum based on the methodologies and philosophies of educator Charlotte Mason. AO is free and uses many free books available online or for e-readers. Subjects include: Bible, art appreciation (what Miss Mason called picture study), classical music appreciation, nature study, folk songs and hymns, history, geography, poetry, and literature.
One Year Adventure Novel – (9th-12th grades) high schoolers will write their own novel in one school year!
Homeschool Digital Language Arts from Compass Classroom – When you think of homeschool language arts do you think of traditional textbooks, spelling quizzes, writing resources and workbooks? We use all of those wonderful tools in our homeschool too. But do you know what is a fabulous addition? Homeschool digital language arts! Digital language arts have enriched our learning greatly.
Learning Language Art Through Literature – English lessons have never once been a chore with this curriculum – honestly! Our girls have loved each and every Learning Language Arts Through Literature (Llatl) book and I have to say that it has prepared them well, given them a solid grounding in grammar, writing, vocabulary and exposed them to lots of wonderful classical literature.
All in One Online Language Art Curriculum with LightSail – combines reading, writing, vocabulary, and fluency for pre-K through high school.
Lightning Literature and Composition – from Hewitt Homeschooling is a literature based program for grades 1-12. High School has options like American Lit, British Lit, Shakespeare and more. Take a look at how we use Lightning Lit in our homeschool.
7 Sisters Literature Guides – teach literature-learning skills but don’t kill the book and aren’t full of busywork. the guides only cover simple background, basic vocabulary, one or two literary themes or devices, and inferential skills-building questions.
Teach Creative Writing with Bardsy Homeschool – leads students step-by-step through a creative writing process; teaches key elements of great storytelling; includes many short videos to explain topics
No Plot? No Problem! Novel Writing Kit – This book is geared to the high school student and is written by the founder of NaNoWriMo, Chris Baty, a veteran author himself. No Plot? No Problem! is a low-stress, high velocity guide to writing a novel in 30 days.
WriteShop – I can’t begin to tell you how impressed I am with WriteShop. I have recently acquired WriteShop I to use with my 8th grader and I am finding it to be a comprehensive writing curriculum that includes detailed help for both student and parent.
Rod & Staff – a unique blend of grammar and composition. Learn grammar rules, usage, and composition with this step by step curriculum.
Easy Grammar – a grade-by-grade program, teaching kids the essentials of grammar. There are about 180 lessons in each book, making for one easy lesson a day. Each lesson only takes 10-15 minutes to complete.
Homeschool History Options for High School
Our Favorite American History Resources from the authors here at The Curriculum Choice. An extensive collection of resources, including curriculum, books, unit studies and so much more for studying American History.
American History Art Lessons – Are you looking for fun ways to incorporate American history homeschool lessons? Maybe you already have a history curriculum, but you’re looking for ways to make it more hands-on and engaging. Chalk pastels may be just what you need to get your kids to fall in love with history! (Try a free Christopher Columbus lesson here.)
The Story of the World – Written by Susan Wise Bauer, SOTW is a four-volume set covering the sweep of human history from ancient times until the present.
A Literature Approach to Modern US and World History – from Beautiful Feet Books uses great literature to teach history. They provide many levels and history subjects such as:
- Early American & World History (for use with grades 7-9)
- American History Through Literature (grades 5-8 & 9-12)
- Medieval History Senior High (grades 10-12)
- Modern U.S. and World History (grades 11-12)
The Mystery of History – a four-volume series that presents world history in a chronological order, covering every corner of the globe.
Compass Classroom offers a host of history courses such as Modernity, Antiquity, and American History.
My Father’s World offers history curriculum for kids from Preschool through High School.
Notgrass has history curriculum for kids in grades 1 through high school. High School (Grades 9-12): Exploring World Geography, Exploring World History, Exploring American, Exploring Government, and Exploring Economics
Trail Guide to U.S. Geography by Cindy Wiggers – a multi-level geography curriculum that can be used with students between 3rd grade and high school age. Separate Daily Drill questions are provided for the Primary, Intermediate, and Secondary “trails.” There is also a Trail Guide to World Geography.
Using Uncle Eric Books for High School Economics and Participation in Government – Here you will find an outline of the books to use, the order to use them in and FREE Printable Lesson Plan Schedules to complete these courses.
Elective Options for High School
One of the unique things about high school is the addition of elective courses. There are more common electives like language courses, extra math or science courses, and hands-on real world exploratory electives, but truly electives can be anything beyond the basic math, English, science, history courses.
Plan Your High School Electives – A FREE printable pack to help you plan your teen’s high school electives. Includes a huge list of elective course ideas!
Homeschool Art Curriculum for High School: Everything You Need for Your Teen – Art in high school is more than just another subject! This homeschool art curriculum for high school will give your students a tour of great artists with picture study and art projects – all while easily earning an art credit.
This is How Your Teen can Earn An Art Credit for Homeschool High School – Many states require one visual art credit for the completion of high school. If that’s the case for you, we will show you how simple it is to use You Are An Artist to obtain your student’s visual art credit.
Homeschool Music Curriculum for High School – There are so many benefits of studying music and great composers in high school! Here is a homeschool music curriculum for high school that makes it easy and suitable for fine arts transcript credit.
Online Spanish Course with Vista Academy – a virtual world language school that provides an innovative learning environment with native speaker oversight and instruction.
Photography as a High School Elective – a list of possible resources for use throughout a course in Digital Photography Basics. Covering both the workings of the camera itself, as well as basic photography skills.
Life Skills as High School Electives: Home Economics & Shop Class – this series talks about essential life skills and how to incorporate them into your high school transcript as high school electives. With printable checklists and resources for teaching each skill.
The Best Video ASL Resources – When teaching (or learning) ASL (American Sign Language) books can easily fall flat. It is much easier to learn if you can see the signs in action. This is a collection of the Best Video ASL Resources that are either FREE or low cost.
Preparing your High Schooler for College
The Imperfect Homeschooler’s Simple Guide to the College Search – take a look at one mom’s lessons through her college searches with her homeschoolers.
Homeschooling High School with College in Mind – Plan on homeschooling high school with college in mind! Yes college! Your homeschoolers have just as much of a chance at college (maybe even more so) as their public school counter parts! Even if you aren’t sure that will be their path, it’s good to do this so they have the option if they want it.
3 Books to Help Prepare College Bound Teens – these books help teen plan out their high school years in such a way as to set them up for the college years.
Homeschool High School ACT Prep – a collection of homeschool ACT prep resources, along with detailed information about the ACT.
How to Prepare Your High Schooler for the SAT – The SAT can be an important piece of college entrance. Preparation can and should begin in 9th grade. Read on to find out all about the SAT test and how to prepare for it.
We hope you have found some great resources with our Ultimate Guide to High School Homeschool Curriculum Options.
- K-3
- Preschool
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- Middle School
- High School (this post)
AND stay tuned as we work our way through Homeschool Curriculum Options for Grades PreK-5, as well as Middle and High School too! {We will link them above as we go!}
Be sure to check out this What do Homeschool Methods Look Like in Real Life Series? to get an in-depth look at 8 homeschool methods along with resources and how -tos for implementing them in your homeschool.
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