I was introduced to Sharon Crooks- FUNtastic Folders- J is for Japan as we continue our studies around the globe this year. We love to work with our hands during our schoolday and this mini unit study is perfect for just that.

Sample Writing Assignment J is for Japan
Filled with lapbooking, cutting, reading and writing exercises. The studies are designed to work at your own pace so there is no specific planner for you to follow. We really enjoyed working through it this way.
Lapbooking is a huge part of our hands on approach to learning and when we found this curriculum, I was happy to try it out.
This particular study comes in Preschool and 1-3rd grade. I used both grade levels to see the difference in them. I noticed they were very similar and taught the same things but at different levels of learning.

Sample of Lesson Plans
The lesson plans were easy to follow and were designed to read outloud directly to the child which makes prep time a minimum. A plus in our homeschool! With full colored pictures throughout the lesson plans to help draw in the student to the study and help them feel like they are really there.
The lapbooking templates were filled with art activities which was a huge hit here at our house. From drawing your own Kimono, filling your Bento Box, to making your own Kokeshi doll.. My son learned a lot at his level of learning about Japan.
Lapbook Templates
Fall-tastic Fun
“B” is for Boats
“I” is for Insect
and more
She also has another series called WisdomKids with titles including:
- Psalm 1- Be Like A Tree!
- I Know You!
- Thanks and Giving
- Jesus Is…
- The ABC’s of Being Thankful
- and more
The prices for these lessons range from $8.95-$14.95 and you can purchase them at www.currclick.com
Learn more about FUNtastic Folders by visiting her website @www.sharoncrooks.com
Thank you for this! My daughter is using Mango Language to learn Japanese..this will be perfect!
.-= Richele´s last blog ..Five Question Friday/Oct. 30th =-.