The shortest month of the year is upon us, but this year, we get an extra day to let family members know just how much they are loved. There are tons of February Homeschool Celebrations to enjoy with your family this month!

February Homeschool Celebrations
Take advantage of every day this month, including the Leap Year Day tacked on at the end, to celebrate the gift of love in your family.
Leave sticky-notes with accolades on bathroom mirrors doors, place small gifts on pillows, give verbal affirmations freely and find fun activities to create lasting memories with those you love. Add some of the silly, but actual, holiday celebrations below to the family fun this month and throw in a few unique family ones, too.
And, keep this verse in mind throughout the month: “Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14 (NIV).
February Homeschool Celebrations
International Friendship Week
Celebrate the gift of friendship!
Talk around the dinner table about each family member’s friends. Describe to each other what makes each of those friends special. Share what makes a person a good friend, those qualities and actions that are indicative of a good friend.
Brainstorm ways to show those family friends how special they are, and find time to carry out those activities this week. Write and send cards, make homemade Valentine’s Day treats, host play-dates, or find another creative way to say, “Thanks for being a good friend.”
Be sure to memorize this verse at the end of the brainstorming session: “The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.”Proverbs 12:26 (NIV).
Valentine’s Day in Your Homeschool
Have fun creating a bouquet of family love craft project.
Bouquet of Family Love Craft Project
Use a white sheet of poster board for the background.
Pour a small amount of pink paint into an aluminum pie tin and a small amount of red paint into another aluminum pie tin. Let each family member take turns dipping a hand into the pink or red paint, and then press a handprint on the poster board.
Keep the handprints fairly close together, to resemble a bouquet of flowers.
Add a stem to each handprint with a green marker.
While the paint dries, prepare the center part of the flower. Give each person a white paper cupcake liner. From a selection of craft materials like small pom poms, beads, glitter, or other small trinkets, embellish the inside of the cupcake liner attaching various craft materials with glue.
When the glue and paint are completely dried, glue the cupcake liners to the palms of each respective handprint.
Be sure to commit this verse to memory for a reminder of the best Valentine’s gift ever: “We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 (NIV).
Chili Day
On a chilly night this month, warm up the tummies in the family with a hearty bowl of chili. Work together in the kitchen to prepare a batch of chili using a favorite recipe.
While the chili is simmering, create a chili bar with favorite toppings, like, shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, shredded cheeses, sliced olives, chopped onion bits, chopped peppers, diced avocado bits, sweet corn, bacon bits, guacamole, sour cream, and crushed chips.
Before enjoying dinner, give thanks for all of God’s blessings, especially food that nourishes and sustains the body.
World Pangolin Day
Have you ever heard of a pangolin? It’s an adorable, almost-prehistoric looking, armored anteater type of animal. Hard, plate-like scales cover the body of the nocturnal pangolin. The pangolin’s diet consists mostly of insects.
Unfortunately, the pangolin is the most heavily-trafficked mammal due to illegal trade for meat and various body parts used for medicinal purposes.
Four species live in Africa and four species live in Asia.
As a family, take a look at reputable websites, like National Wildlife, to find a list of threatened and endangered species.
Enjoy pictures, read success stories, and research ways that you, as a family, can do your part to help protect the animals that share this great planet with us.
Treasure this verse, and God’s creations: “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31 (KJV).
Read Aloud Day in Your Homeschool
Check out kids’ books from the library and spend an afternoon taking turns reading aloud new or favorite books. Here’s a list of a 10 Read Alouds to get you started!
Find winter or Valentine picture books if you have little ones and read a plethora aloud together.
Or, for slightly older kids, try some of these holiday books: Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentine, A to Z Mysteries: Secret Admirer or Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew Valentine’s Day Secret.
Squeeze in memorization of this verse between picture books or two chapters: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV).
Leap into fun and adventure with an extra day this month to try these February homeschool celebrations with the ones you love, and do it all with love!
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Of all the hats Julie’s worn over the years – Navy wife, public schoolteacher, homeschooling mommy to four, church volunteer, writer, book and magazine author, journalist, conference instructor, and crochet gal – her most favorite hat will always be homeschooling mommy. Overtaking rapidly, though, is the Gramma Julie hat of the last fourteen months.
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