“Don’t Make Me Count to Three!” by Ginger Plowman is not only a very humorous book, but full of wise and practical advice about Biblical discipline.
As a mom of three children, I still have much to learn about patient, loving discipline that reaches the hearts of my children. And this book fits the bill! Not only that, but it’s fast moving and easy-to-read. You won’t find yourself grasping at philosophical ideas and trying to make sense of them since the tone and suggestions are very much down to earth – oh, and based on the Word of the Lord, too!
As I was reading, I noticed many similarities between this book and Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Ted Tripp. Although maybe not quite as “deep” as Tripp’s, this book is probably a tad more practical.
Just what is it about? In a nutshell – reaching the hearts of your children through discipline. Or, put another way, making sure discipline relates to the “why” and “why not” of the issue rather than just “because I said so.” How many times have you found yourself doling out discipline (in any form) with no discussion or understanding about why your children chose to act a certain way and explaining to them why we, as Christians, should act differently. It’s much easier most of the time to simply dole out the discipline and think our children will magically get the why part. Ginger’s book paints a clear picture of the importance of reaching into our children’s heart and molding them for the Lord through our times of discipline. And with wonderful word pictures and real-life examples!
To go along with the book as a wonderful reminder about appropriate discipline techniques, I highly recommend Wise Words for Moms, too. It’s a quick-reference to Scriptures that help address 22 common behavior issues. And best of all, you can hang it on the wall or the refrigerator for easy access! It’s a great tool to help you actually stick to the resolutions you’ll make about discipline after reading the book!
-Written by Cindy, eclectically Charlotte Mason mom of 3. You can find her blogging at Our Journey Westward and find her nature study curriculum at Shining Dawn Books.
I’ve already got the Scripture chart, but I didn’t realize she hadn’t written this book as well. Putting on my wish list now! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
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