Eating The Plates – A Pilgrim book of food and manners is loaded with information about the Pilgrims as well as things like a “Pilgrim Menu” for you to recreate.
Coding Classes for Kids
Here are ideas for adding coding classes for kids to your homeschool. There are online, free, video tutorials and full curriculum options.
A Thanksgiving Book List for Your Fall Homeschool Studies
Thanksgiving Books for your Homeschool is a collection of books both educational and fun for multiple ages all about Thanksgiving.
5 November Homeschool Family Fun Ideas
Families can practice an attitude of thanksgiving throughout the month with these November homeschool family fun ideas.
November Homeschool Celebrations
November Homeschool Celebrations – Celebrate fun holidays like National Play Outside Day, Maize Day, Jellyfish Day, and Tongue Twister Day!
Living Books for Art in Your Homeschool
Living Books for Art offer beautiful illustrations and lovely story lines that tie the artist and his art into a fictional stories that are lighthearted, but captivating.
Apologia Science Review Round-Up
Apologia Science Review Round-Up takes all our Apologia Science Curriculum Reviews and collects them here in one place, breaking them down by specific science curriculum.
Writing a Family Mission Statement for Your Homeschool
Here is a step by step guide to Writing a Family Mission Statement. It can be as simple as or as detailed as your family would like!
Three Computer Games I Almost Always Allow in Our Homeschool
I encourage some online learning and allow a few games. Here are three of our favorite free computer games. Our kids love them and they are wonderfully relaxing educational options for ages 8 to adult.
Homeschool Record Keeping
Homeschool record keeping – all the best tips from homeschool veterans. An organized homeschool is a successful homeschool! One important piece of organization is in record-keeping. Just how do the authors of the Curriculum Choice stay on top of record keeping? We share our secrets in this post!