If you are looking for an easy way to use living books for homeschool history, than Beautiful Feet Books has just the thing for you! Living book based history curriculum for grades K-12!

About Beautiful Feet Books Homeschool History Curriculum
Beautiful Feet Books is a homeschool history curriculum using the best literature available to help bring history alive. Along with this great literature are teacher guides to make each program easy to use.
Recommended Course of Homeschool Study for Beautiful Feet Books History Through Literature
Beautiful Feet Books, “believes great literature has the power to unlock history and make it come alive.” They help families do this by choosing the best literature available and making their Teacher Guides easy to use. They offer resources for Teaching History Through Literature across all grade levels. Click Here to find their recommended study sequence.
K-3rd – Early American History, Around the World with Picture Books Part I and Part II, Teaching Character Through Literature
4th-6th – Early American History, History of Science, History of the Horse, Geography Through Literature, Teaching Character Through Literature, History of California, History of Westward Expansion
7th & 8th – Modern American and World History, Ancient History Intermediate, Medieval History Intermediate, History of Classical Music
9th-12th – Early American and World History, Ancient History Sr., Medieval History Sr., Modern U.S. and World History, Government and Economics
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Beautiful Feet Books Homeschool Reviews
History of the Horse – The History of the Horse is a Christian, living books based unit study.
“I bought History of the Horse for my fourth grade daughter, and I am so pleased with my choice! It was a huge hit with her! She mostly loved the great stories and the drawing assignments integrated into the lessons. I felt it was a great curriculum for introducing her to more independent learning and research skills.”
Teaching History Through Literature – Beautiful Feet Books, “believes great literature has the power to unlock history and make it come alive.” They help families do this by choosing the best literature available and making their Teacher Guides easy to use.
“The Teacher Guides are your “how to”. They are organized into easy to follow lessons, incorporating hands-on activities, vocabulary, notebooking, geography, and so much more. Many of them even have a free picture packet download to accompany the study. They are the coloring pictures reference in their Teacher Guides. These guides are designed to be a complete history course.”
History of Classical Music Curriculum Review – The 75 lessons in this curriculum move through classical music starting with Corelli in the Baroque Period and going all the way to Stravinsky in the Modern Era. A study of the instruments and structure of the orchestra is also interspersed throughout the curriculum.
Included in the set are a composers card game, five living books, 18 Audio CDs, 2 coloring books, a timeline, and a schedule/teacher’s guide.
“Don’t be fooled by the term “coloring book.” They are full of text and information, complemented by black and white drawings.”
A Literature Approach to Modern U.S. and World History – This is for high school students and covers five historical periods:
- Antebellum and the Civil War
- Reconstruction, Industrial Revolution, and Turn of the Century
- The First World War, the Depression, and Segregation
- The Second World War, and the Atomic Age
- Struggle for Freedom in the 20th and 21st centuries
Lessons are arranged in chronological order from 1850 to the 2000s.
Your student gets to explore the lives and legacies of many leaders. They also study how ordinary people shaped history. Themes such as character, resilience, suffering, loyalty and forgiveness find their way into the 36 weeks of lessons.
Literature Based Ancient History for Junior High –
Ancient history for Junior High includes:
- 13 living books (7 of which seems to be chapter or story books)
- a study guide with 97 lessons & answer key
- materials to assemble a timeline
The time period begins with ancient Mesopotamia and covers through the rise of Rome and the birth of Christianity. Beautiful Feet’s website describes serving 5th to 8th grades best.
“I appreciate the reference and story books chosen for Ancient History! After homeschooling 15 years, I sometimes see the same stories for history curriculum regardless of the company. I feel Beautiful Feet stands out.”
Early American History – A Literature Approach – This study guide takes you step by step through about twenty books. I found many of the books at the local library, but some of them I went onto purchase because they were so wonderful.
Our favorites include:
- The children’s biographies by Ingri and Edgar Parin D’Aulaire
- Stories of the Pilgrims by Margaret Pumphrey
- The Courage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh
- The Matchlock Gun by Walter Edmonds
- The Fourth of July Story by Alice Dalgliesh
Beautiful Feet Books updates their guides as books go out of print, this way they stay update so you aren’t getting guides with books that are difficult to get.
This curriculum briefly introduces the first five principles of history, education, and government: individuality, self-government, Christian character, conscience, and form of government. I prefer to focus on one or two principles a year, but the poems and guided discussions lay a foundation.
Middle School History Through Literature with Ancient History – This study will take you and your 5th-8th grader from the beginnings of civilization in Mesopotamia and Sumer, on to ancient Egypt, through the wanderings of the Jews and the splitting of the Israelites into the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, to the cradle of democracy, ancient Greece, and into the rising Roman Empire and the birth of Christianity.
Hands-on activities add depth to the history while vocabulary lists, comprehension questions, research topics, and website links make this both an academically strong study and one that will engage your entire family in stimulating discussions. Our teacher guide provides the structure you want and the flexibility you need to successfully teach this complex time period.
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