In our younger homeschooling years we used a lot of lapbooks. Now that both my girls are in high school, things are a little more formal. Looking back through some of the lapbooks we have covered I have a little part of me that misses learning this way 🙂 One particular lapbook that we enjoyed working on was Ancient Greece Lapbook from In The Hands of A Child.

Title: Ancient Greece
Publisher: In The Hands Of A Child
Format: PDF instant download
Ages: 5-7, 8-10, 11-13
We had so much fun with this lapbook. It might have been one of our favorite topics that year! I supplemented our study on the Ancient Greeks by reading certain chapters of Susan Wise Bauer’s ‘The Story of the World Vol 1’, which really brought our time learning about the Greeks to life.
Here are some of the things we learned about:
As you can see this lapbook covers quite a bit! My eldest, who is now doing more serious studies on the ancient world, recalls and already has basic knowledge of many ancient world thing thanks to this unit study. I believe it has helped her to find her studies enjoyable and a little easier.
If you have used ‘In The Hands Of A Child’ products before you will be familiar with their great Planning Guide for each lapbook…
If not, each In The Hands of A Child lapbook comes with a schedule of learning. Each day has vocab words, reading and activities to complete – so no having to plan it out yourself – great if you are just wanting to download, print and begin!
Each lapbook has a rather handy and comprehensive research guide – again, no having to check out books and books so that you can be super informed about your subject. I’m not one for re-inventing the wheel, I so appreciate all the hard work that has gone into this product!
Of course all the matchbook templates are there for you too. There are some that have primary lines and others that are more suitable to the older child. If one of your dear students should ‘mess up’ on his/her matchbook, just print out another 🙂
Just one last point, often I would take much longer on completing a lapbook than the scheduled time. Sometimes I wanted us to dig a little deeper. Other times we only worked on our lapbook twice or three times a week instead of every day. This product can be as flexible as you want it to be.
Happy Homeschooling to you all 🙂 …
More In the Hands of a Child Reviews from TCC
In the Hands of a Child Curriculum offers a full line of lapbooking and notebooking options for homeschoolers in grades preK-12. There are options for math, science, history, language arts, holidays, just for fun and more!Â
~ Originally published November 2014, links updated 2023
A wonderful curriculum.