Red Chair Press graciously allowed me to review their Funny Bone Readers: Developing Character series of books along with the lesson plan and activity book. Having one child just entering the world of reading, I was excited to get started on this series, especially since it focused on character development. These colorful and delightful books help a child learn to read while nurturing a quality character.
Funny Bone Readers uses fun and silly characters to make connections to several important character traits.
- Fairness
- Trustworthiness
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Caring
- Citizenship
I found these books to be truly enjoyable. My daughter and I had a wonderful time reading all the stories. Even my older children loved reading these books to my younger children. This is a wonderful way to reinforce reaching skills and character development in one sitting.
The lesson plan and activity book enhanced the books by giving you plenty of ideas to reinforce the lessons. Along with the lesson plan book, you can divide up these books by traits, phonics, or into weeks to gain the full benefit. You could plan a six week study using two books a week that focus on each character trait. You could plan a 12 week study using one book a week to focus on phonics and one character trait every two weeks. The books are short and flexible enough to add into your current reading or character development program.
Red Chair Press offers a few ways to purchase the sets. You can purchase 12 books and ebooks (on CD) for $48.00 until August 31st. You can purchase the Lesson Plan and Activity book for $29.95. If you are in a co-op you can purchase Complete Classroom Set 72 books (6 each of all 12 titles) plus a Lesson Planner and interactive eBooks CD-ROM for $295.00. You may also purchase additional sets if your co-op has more than six children.
Could you please provide a link to Red Chair Press? I am very interested in these books.
.-= Deb´s last blog ..As long as we’re on the subject of Not-School… =-.
Okay, I found their website! These books look great, but I have a couple of questions…would you say that these are books that are meant to be read aloud by the parent, or would you say that beginner readers could handle them? Would you say that they are decodable readers and follow most phonics rules?
I have a 5 year old who is a very beginning reader, so that’s why I am wondering.
.-= Deb´s last blog ..As long as we’re on the subject of Not-School… =-.
I am so sorry! I cannot believe I forgot to link to the site. Here is the link: They are really lovely books. We are still enjoying them. 🙂 Thank you for the comment, I appreciate it.
.-= Richele´s last blog ..Dr Wiles Resigns from Apologia =-.
I have a five year old as well. These books are best for parents to read to beginning readers. These are not like Bob Books where the focus is on short a or short e. The focus is not on phonics but words your child can read easily with instruction. So, it would be more for a child versed in reading simple words. My five year old can read a Bob Book but cannot read these books on her own. She can recognize words and we can go over the ones she does not know…however, this book is best for a child who has some experience reading. So maybe level 2 or end of K to 1st grade depending on your child. For instance…here is a bit from the book Space Cat:
Cat read many books. She built many models.
Dog said, “Cats don’t belong in space.”
But Cat knew he was wrong.
This book would take more teacher prep if being used to teach a child how to read as opposed to reinforcing reading skills. I use a mix of both books..the Bob Books and these…because my child enjoys the Red Chair press books and it does introduce her to new words.
I hope that helped.
.-= Richele´s last blog ..Dr Wiles Resigns from Apologia =-.
Thank you Richell! I think I will order them – I love the concept, and he can grow into them. Thanks for the review!
.-= Deb´s last blog ..As long as we’re on the subject of Not-School… =-.