Based on my conversations with other homeschoolers over the years, we have mixed opinions about the importance of handwriting instruction within our homeschools. Why do I bother to teach my children cursive handwriting in this age of e-mail, texts, and instant messaging?
- My children need to be able to read the cursive handwriting of others. For example, they will need to be able to read both the love notes and the grocery lists that their future spouses leave for them!
- I firmly believe there are times when a handwritten note is most appropriate (for example, a handwritten note in a sympathy card).
My goals for my children’s handwriting are quite few. I simply want them to be able to:
- Read the cursive handwriting of others.
- Write in a neat and legible cursive script.
Happy Scribe Copybooks have helped my children meet the handwriting goals that I set for them. Happy Scribe Copybooks are inexpensive, simple to use, and perfectly complement a unit study approach.
Happy Scribe Copybooks are available for purchase either as an e-book or on CD. Currently, the price for a copybook is $1.50. Each copybook includes 20 phrases related to a specific topic, alphabet pages, number pages, and blank pages. As well, each copybook includes three different handwriting/printing styles:
- Classic Block
- D’Nealian Italic
- Classic Cursive
Simple To Use
After purchasing and downloading the desired copybook, I simply print out the pages in the handwriting style I desire. All of my children are now writing in cursive, so I choose Classic Cursive. Then I print out a copy of the front cover for each child. The front covers are lovely and in color. Lastly, I have the book bound at my local office supply store.
A page or half a page per day could be assigned, depending upon the age of the child. After the model sentence, the first line is to be traced. Then, there are additional lines to copy the sentence again.
Complements a Unit Study Approach
My favorite aspect of Happy Scribe Copybooks is that they work well with a unit study approach. As we work through a unit study, I try to pull as many academic subjects as I can into the study. So, for example, when we studied Ancient Egypt, I used the Ancient Egypt copybook with my children. When we studied Ancient Greece, I used the Ancient Greece copybook.
Currently, there are 37 different copybooks available covering not only many different time periods; but science topics, bible topics, and some “just for fun” topics like Pets. With so many different copybooks, it is often possible to find one that coordinates with our current unit study.
If you would like to try a Happy Scribe Copybook, a free Weather Folklore copybook can be downloaded at their website. Happy Scribe Copybooks have been a good fit for our family and our unit study approach.
Samantha writes about homeschooling and family life at tobebusyathome.
The link doesn’t work…
I checked and all of the links work except the last one – I am sorry about that! Here is the direct link to the free Happy Scribe sampler:
Thank you for pointing that out, Leah.
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