Grade level reviewed: Kindergarten through 1st grade
Use as: thinking skills activities, test prep
Instruction time: low
Prep time: low
Cost: $17.99
Can You Find Me? Building Thinking Skills is a yet another wonderful workbook from The Critical Thinking Company. Critical Thinking Press is well known for high quality educational items which inspire what else but critical thinking! No one has to be convinced that thinking skills are valuable lessons to teach children. With Can You Find Me?, you begin teaching these skills to a child in Kindergarten.
This workbook covers a wide range of skills:
Discerning similarities and differences
Subjects covered by the book:
Social Studies
My Thoughts:
I found the book to be perfectly suited to the K-1 grade age level. The riddles and logic problems are engaging with interesting concepts and illustrations. Each riddle asks at least two questions which keeps it interesting and expands the child’s level of thinking. It’s a fun book to work through and that is always a plus. In addition, the back of the book contains a skills chart so you are aware of what skills are being developed by each exercise. This is a great workbook to use for a few minutes of warm up before school, to break up the day, or when your child gets a glazed look over her eyes and needs a bit jump start.
My Kindergartener’s Thoughts:
If I allowed it, she would have completed the workbook in one day. She enjoyed every bit of it. This is the first workbook she asks to use and then hardly wants to put it down.
She is doing quite well with all the exercises and I have noticed a difference in her thinking since using this workbook. She has always been quick but this book is proving to tone her critical thinking skills. To be honest, I’m not sure if that is a good thing. Staying one step ahead may require a mommy thinking skills book. My goal is to raise critical thinkers even if staying a step ahead requires more of me and Critical Thinking Press provides the tools I need.
You can purchase Can You Find Me? Building Thinking Skills from Timberdoodle. If you would like to see sample pages just click here.
As a member of Timberdoodle’s Blogger Review Team I received a free copy of Can You Find Me? Building Thinking Skills in exchange for a frank and unbiased review.
Oh thanks for this. Timely for me as I’ll be heading to our local homeschool convention next week. Will add this to the wish list for my K/1st grader who is always needing that something extra 🙂