Did you know that the month that spotlights all-things love and kisses and hearts is the shortest month of the year? That just means you’ll have to be even more intentional to squeeze in all the February homeschool family fun ideas you can think of in just twenty-eight days!

Incorporate some of the zany, but real, holidays below into your curriculum this month or fit in the fun activities on the weekend to create lasting memories with the family. Warm up hearts this winter with the cool celebrations below and make every day a holiday.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ESV.
February Homeschool Family Fun Ideas
National Hot Breakfast Month
Work together in the kitchen to make these Pepperoni and Cheese Swirls for a delicious, hot breakfast treat.
- Unroll a can of refrigerated breadsticks and separate into twelve breadsticks.
- Cut slices of pepperoni into four pieces, like pie-shaped wedges. Lay the pepperoni wedges on top of one breadstick from end to end, but leave the very edges of dough uncovered.
- Peel string-cheese into thin strips and lay strips end to end on top of the pepperoni.
- Starting at one end of the breadstick, roll the dough into a coil, pinching the end to the dough to help it stayed coiled.
- Carefully place the swirl on a lightly-greased baking sheet. Repeat the process with all twelve breadsticks, placing them about two inches apart on the baking sheet.
- Brush the tops of the swirls with a beaten egg. Sprinkle Italian seasoning and basil on top of each swirl.
- Bake at 375 degrees for fifteen minutes or until browned.
While the pepperoni pinwheels bake, read together John 21 to refresh your memory of a time when Jesus and His disciples shared breakfast, and especially note this verse: “Now come and have some breakfast!” Jesus said (NLT). Give thanks for God’s provisions and enjoy breakfast!
Umbrella Day
Have umbrellas ready for each family member, and on a rainy day that’s not too chilly, pop open the dome-shaped protectors and go for a wet walk outside. Jump in puddles with galoshes and watch the rain bounce off limbs and leaves. Once you’re back inside and dried off, read some rainy-day picture books, like, Rain, by Linda Ashman, Who Likes Rain, by Wong Herbert Yee or Tap Tap Boom Boom, by Elizabeth Bluemle. Thank God for the rain and commit this verse to memory:
He provides rain for the earth; he sends water on the countryside. Job 5:10 (NIV).
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
Speaking of rain, the classic scene with Gene Kelly in the movie Singing in the Rain was often purported to have used milk in the filming so that the ‘raindrops’ would show up better in the film. Supposedly, however, that’s just a myth – no milk was spilled, and it was instead a cinematic affect of backlighting. Celebrate no spilling of milk that day and keep your own milk safely in a glass. For fun, add a few drops of red food coloring in the glass to turn the milk pink, just to get in a Valentine’s mood, and then watch the classic movie together and sip some unspilled milk. Commit this verse to memory as you sip on milk:
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. 1 Peter 2:2 (KJV).
Valentine’s Day
Besides the fun activity below, be sure to check out all the Homeschool Valentine’s Day Ideas we have collected for you. Recipes, games, FREE Printables, crafts, books, hands-on activities and more!
Make some fun, heart-shaped flowers to celebrate the day. Use a medium-sized cookie cutter to make heart patterns on pink, purple and red construction paper. You’ll need four hearts for each flower.
- Cut out the shapes and fold them in half vertically, matching curves.
- Unfold, then glue one-half of one heart shape to one-half of another heart shape.
- Continue until you’ve glued all four hearts in place, to resemble somewhat of a tulip shape.
- Tuck a green pipe cleaner for the stem in-between the last two heart pieces that you glue together, holding tight until the glue dries.
- When the glue is completely dry, arrange several flowers in a vase and add the vase to the dining room table for a centerpiece.
To add to the celebration of the day, use a concordance or online search button to look up verses in the Bible that contain the word “love.” Obviously, there’s a host of them available. Pick one to memorize for the day or commit this one to memory:
We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 (NIV).
Love Your Pet Day
Give your furry or feathered friends lots of attention and affection this month, like always, and then play a fun game with the family. Together, brainstorm pets or possible pets from A to Z. Write each name on a slip of paper and place the papers in a basket. Take turns selecting a paper and acting out the animal, using no words, but sounds are acceptable. The first person to guess the animal is the winner. Give two points to the person that guesses the right animal and one point to the charade ‘artist’ for excellent acting skills. Count up the points at the end of the game to crown a winner!!! After the game, talk about this verse and how it relates to pets or God’s creations:
Know the state of our flocks, and put your heart into caring for your herds. Proverbs 27:23 (NLT).
Be intentional this month to make warm, incredible family memories for the cold days on the calendar. Find a way to make every day special with these February Homeschool Family Fun Ideas.
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Julie Lavender is the author of 365 Days of Celebration and Praise: Daily Devotions and Activities for Homeschooling Families. She is a 25-year-homeschooling veteran and is the mom of four adult kids and one precious, new grandson. Julie is married to her high school and college sweetheart, David, and taught public school before becoming a stay-at-home mom and writer. Connect with Julie on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and read lessons learned from nature on her blog, “On My Walk with God” at julielavender.blogspot.com.
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