This is a collection 2nd grade homeschool curriculum to help you choose what will fit your child’s needs.

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Just as every child is different, so are the curriculum choices! For this reason I have tried to include a wide variety of options, including everything from full curriculum to separate choices for each subject! While this isn’t an exhaustive list, hopefully it will give you some great suggestions to get you going!
Full 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Options
Time for Learning – a fun, engaging, easy-to-use homeschool solution. Time4Learning uses short animated lessons to engage younger students.
ABC Mouse – full online curriculum for children ages 2-8. The Step-by-Step Learning Path presents the full curriculum in a carefully designed program of more than 850 lessons in ten levels. As your child completes each lesson, he or she is guided to the next one and is motivated to continue learning by’s Tickets and Rewards System.
Ambleside – a K (Year 0) through 12 (Year 12) curriculum based on the methodologies and philosophies of educator Charlotte Mason. It is free and uses many free books available online or for e-readers, a real benefit for cost savings.
Tapestry of Grace – designed to help parents provide a Christian, classical, Charlotte Mason education. The history of the world is Tapestry‘s organizational theme. Its goal is to help students see the patterns of God’s personality and works. Tapestry of Grace (TOG) is a unit study style curriculum that covers most of the major subject areas for students in grades K-12.
BookShark. – Includes All Subjects: Reading with History A (History, Read-Alouds & Readers), Language Arts, Handwriting, Science and Math!
Timberdoodle – This is a great option for parents who want to be directly involved in homeschooling their children but don’t have much time. It comes with a thorough guidebook and an online scheduler with a checklist to help you go through the lessons at your and your kid’s own pace. The focus is on STEM, using dozens of games to help kids learn about STEM-related subjects. They have both their regular curriculum and a nonreligious version.
Khan Academy for Kids – a FREE APP that engages kids in core subjects like early literacy, reading, writing, language, and math, while encouraging creativity and building social-emotional skills.
Sonlight – Complete 2nd grade curriculum is for kids ages 7-9. Choose between the 4 or 5 day a week options and you get daily lesson plans for the year, a history/Bible/literature program that integrates History, Geography, Bible, Readers and Read-Alouds, as well as Language Arts, Science, and Math.
BJU Press Homeschool 2 Complete Kit – focuses on Christian values in education, with with a hybrid approach of online with books. (There is also a just books option) Grade 2 introduces your child to geographical, economical, and cultural concepts during American Colonialism, helps your student to understand the purpose of learning grammar. Introduces writing skills through appropriate writing activities, starting with the writing process before developing sentence and paragraph writing skills, adds to your second grader’s mathematical understanding and problem solving skills and more.
Abeka Second Grade Kit – contains all the required textbooks that your child will need for an entire year. This curriculum will develop your kids’ reading, language, and spelling skills with enjoyable stories and exercises. Your second grader will be learning all of the special sounds and read a total of 10 readers. He will also start writing letters and thank you notes. In Arithmetic, your second grader will finally learn four digit addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, rounding, and much more! History will be a lot of fun as your child will be introduced to a deeper study on our country, America, and the people who built it.
Evan-Moor Homeschool Curriculum Bundles – Grade 2 Homeschool Curriculum covers essential second grade skills and learning expectations across subject areas: reading, writing, language, spelling, vocabulary, math, science, and social studies.
Easy Peasy All-in-One Curriculum – provides an all-free and online curriculum for third-grade students. Also their the website will track your child’s lessons and the days they were on website.
2nd Grade Homeschool Math Curriculum
Shiller Math – offers two levels of math kits (along with a few other kits). Their math kits are Montessori Based and cover an age range from preK through 8th grade. What first drew me to them was all the hands on manipulatives. Check out Math Kit I for ages PreK – 3rd Grade.
Miquon Math – for kids in 1st-3rd grades. Its approach helps children actively explore math concepts, learning by doing.
Teaching Textbooks 4.0 – App based program for grades 3 through pre-Calculus. No teaching or grading required as it’s all done within the program! Totally mobile and easy to use.
Singapore Math U.S Edition – Singapore uses concrete – pictorial – abstract approach. This gives kids a foundation to work from and then encourages them to think and problem solve. There is both a Lesson Textbook and a workbook for this math program.
Apologia Homeschool Elementary Math Curriculum – a new product from Apologia for elementary kids in grades 1-6. This curriculum combines color photos, hands-on activities, engaging projects, and plenty of games to teach math concepts! Each lesson’s design presents math as an accessible and exciting topic.
IXL – With personalized online learning IXL offers hundreds of second grade math skills to explore and learning that includes add and subtract numbers to 100, measure using an inch ruler, identify a digit up to the hundreds place, and more.
CTCMath – is an online math curriculum for children in grades K-12 (through Calculus). It is a video based program but also offers printable versions of the lessons and worksheets so your student can work pencil and paper as well if they would like to.
Math U See – helps students learn math concepts and succeed at their own pace. This unique math curriculum integrates a distinctive set of manipulatives with strategies presented through lesson-by-lesson videos, textbooks, and digital resources.
Life of Fred Elementary Math Review – written in a story format about a little boy named Fred who uses math in his everyday life. Fred is a 5 year old boy who is a professor at KITTENS University. He encounters a need for math first, and then he does the math. At the end of each chapter is a section entitled “Your Turn To Play” with questions for your students to answer that relate to what they have learned in that chapter.
Homeschool Science Curriculum for 2nd Grade
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Science – collection of science curricula, supplements and free resources both secular and Christian.
Outdoor Hour Challenge: Nature Study – Creating Habits Young – Here you will find some of the best tips for homeschool nature study and creating habits young. Nature study can be a family activity with short lessons for your preschoolers or elementary-aged children during outdoor time.
Apologia Elementary Science – Topics such as Astronomy, Botany, Flying Creatures, Swimming Creatures, and Land Creatures. These texts follow the immersion principle of learning. Rather than study a wide-variety of unrelated science topics during the course of a school year, these texts dig deeply into one science topic.
Nature Study Made Easy with NaturExplorers Nature Unit Studies – 19 different, complete nature based science studies for 1st – 8th grades.
BookShark Homeschool Science Curriculum – an all-in-one complete literature-based science curriculum that is ready to use as soon as you open the box.
Evan-Moor Science Units – Habitats, ScienceWorks Series, All About Plants, ScienceWorks Energy
Lifepac – Christian curriculum based on the principle of mastery learning. Students master content in each unit worktext before progressing to the next. Grades K-12.
Mr. Q Science – Classic Science series for kids in grades K through high school. Check out this review.
Supercharged Science is written in a creation neutral way as to not contradict religious perspectives. There are many options from eScience to Science Mastery programs and covers all grades from K-12.
DK Science Workbooks 2nd Grade – Perfect for children ages 7–8, this workbook builds confidence in the growing scientific understanding in second graders. Objectives include familiarity with animal life cycles and adaptations, insect life, plant reproduction, simple machines, and states of matter.
R.E.A.L Science – RSO is an incremental program that incorporates mathematics, scientific method, and science terminology as it gently builds on itself. Each topic in the RSO series of books is presented in an entertaining story-like format and is followed by hands-on activities along with background science information, parent instructions, labs, reading lists, journaling ideas, and websites. Each book of RSO level one is a complete one-year science curriculum if used one or two times a week. Level 1 is appropriate for Grades 1-5.
Charlotte Mason Nature Study for Your Homeschool – Just how do you enjoy a Charlotte Mason nature study for your homeschool? Let’s look at some advice from Charlotte Mason herself and apply it in a simple way to our own outdoor times.
Great Science Adventures – multi-grade level, secular homeschool science series from Common Sense Press.
Sonlight Science Discover & Do – a literature based homeschool science curriculum. Uses living books, includes a hands-on science kit, and is easy to implement.
2nd Grade English Language Arts Homeschool Curriculum
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum – includes full curriculum PLUS resources for reading, writing, spelling, grammar and handwriting
In the Hands of a Child Grammar Lapbook – A fun, hands-on way for kids to gain a firm grasp of English grammar.
Night Zookeeper Online Writing Program – approaches reading and writing by teaching helpful skills. Through online challenges and games, kids ages 6-12 practice grammar, vocabulary, and spelling for their level. Reading comprehension practice is also included.
LightSail for Homeschoolers – language arts platform is a comprehensive and engaging online reading and writing program for children in grades pre-K through 12.
Handwriting without Tears – a handwriting program with seven levels available starting in the pre-k level up to 5th grade. Their unique writing paper is unlike any other handwriting program. The writing paper does not have the typical three lines with the middle line being a dotted line. HWT believes typical handwriting paper causes line confusion for many students. HWT created writing paper with only 2 lines.
Lightning Literature – uses a foundation of real books to support a comprehensive language arts program of literature, grammar and mechanics, and composition. Each level can accommodate either student independent reading, audiobooks, or reading aloud together. Handwriting, spelling, and phonics instruction are not addressed in these courses.
Learning Language Art Through Literature – English lessons have never once been a chore with this curriculum – honestly! Our girls have loved each and every Learning Language Arts Through Literature (Llatl) book and I have to say that it has prepared them well, given them a solid grounding in grammar, writing, vocabulary and exposed them to lots of wonderful classical literature.
All About Reading – The illustrations tell an often funny story, one that goes beyond the beginning reader text. Even at this very early level a story is not limited to 3-5 words repeated over and over.
First Language Lessons for The Well-Trained Mind – an excellent foundation in grammar and beginning writing. The books use a “Four Strand Approach” to teach grammar rules, usage, and beginning writing. The “Four Strands” are: Memory work, Copying and dictation, Narration, and Grammar.
Growing with Grammar – a complete grammar program from Jakris Publishing for grades 1-8. They also offer Winning with Writing, Soaring with Spelling, and Digging Into Diagramming.
Homeschool History Options for 2nd Grade
Beautiful Feet Books – A literature based history curriculum. At the K-3 level the focus is on beautiful picture books, hands-on activities, simple discussions, and lots of time snuggled together on the couch reading and talking about great books! Also check out this review of Beautiful Feet Books.
The Ultimate Guide to History Curriculum for Homeschool – a collection of both World and US History plus Geography curriculum and resources for your homeschool.
The Mystery of History – a complete, chronological history of the world, in 4 volumes, which combines secular and Biblical history.
Sonlight programs go through a full history cycle three times between kindergarten and graduation. Each time through, children gain a deeper understanding of history. They includes topics such as World History, American History, Church History, World Cultures, American Government and more.
Using the Who Was Series Biographies – You can use this wonderful biography book series for children to learn about many prominent people, events, and places in history. While not an open and go curriculum, this can be a fun way to use living books to explore a variety of topics throughout the year.
Notgrass has history curriculum for kids in grades 1 through high school. For Elementary (Grades 1-4) they offer Our 50 States and Our Star-Spangled Story
DK Geography Workbooks 2nd Grade – This workbook will help your child understand compasses, map grids, physical and political maps, and the concept of hemispheres.
Other 2nd Grade Homeschool Resources
Beyond the basic subjects are things like art, music, foreign languages, and things like typing skills that are all important parts of a well rounded education. Here are some 2nd grade homeschool curriculum for these things you might enjoy:
Online Art Lessons Perfect for Grades K-3 – You probably have some memories from your childhood – particularly from the art assignments in your early education. But why? Why does art stand the test of time in learning? Here are some art lessons perfect for K-3.
Home Art Studio – Art educator Lindsay Volin created a set of instructional videos for grades K-5, all designed for home-based instruction. They are very easy to follow, providing step-by-step instruction on a variety of age-based projects.
Song School Latin – Song School Latin is an amazingly fun, full year homeschool program designed to teach your youngest students Latin.
Homeschool Typing with Typesy – a fun and fast paced interactive curriculum that integrates video teaching, scientifically designed exercises, and various fun games and activities. There are over 1100 lessons with an approximate learning time of 21 hours.
Spanish for Kids – an interactive, immersion foreign language program for kids. The video lessons are of children acting out everyday situations while all the speech is in Spanish.
Elementary Homeschool Spanish with Middlebury Interactive – (They also offer French, Chinese, and German) Middlebury Interactive is an online company that teaches foreign language with an immersive approach. They do so by using animated stories, games, songs and verbal voice recording.
Grade 2 Famous Artists and Composers – art and music plans for studying great art and great music. These plans are appropriate for students in grades 1-4 or for family-style learning. Uses many Disney movie scores for the music portion!
More Ultimate Guides for Your Homeschool
We hope you have found some great resources with our Ultimate Guide to 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Options.
- K-3
- Preschool
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade (this post)
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- Middle School
- High School
AND stay tuned as we work our way through Homeschool Curriculum Options for Grades PreK-5, as well as Middle and High School too! {We will link them above as we go!}
Homeschool Methods Series
Be sure to check out this What do Homeschool Methods Look Like in Real Life Series? to get an in-depth look at 8 homeschool methods along with resources and how -tos for implementing them in your homeschool.
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