We’ve just added a welcome video to our “About” page. It’s a brief, 2 minute video explaining what we are all about and a few tips for brand new homeschoolers! Angela is a homeschool mother of 5, and has been homeschooling from the beginning.
Making homeschool decisions easy
We’ve just added a welcome video to our “About” page. It’s a brief, 2 minute video explaining what we are all about and a few tips for brand new homeschoolers! Angela is a homeschool mother of 5, and has been homeschooling from the beginning.
I’ve heard some concerns about homeschooling in California and how asking your super-intendent’s office for advice on homeschooling is not a good idea. I do not live in Ca. so I’m not aware of any hostility towards homeschoolers. Here in Fl, they are very easy to talk to. Here is a link that gives you an updated run-down of the laws for California: http://www.hslda.org/laws/analysis/California.pdf
The best place for info about homeschooling in CA is the California Homeschool Network:
In particular, their “Just the Facts: Step By Step Guide:
Please do not go to your local school district or Office of Education for advice. 🙂
Barb-Harmony Art Mom
Many states also have websites for their state-wide homeschool organization, and information about complying with the law is provided on their sites. We have this in Georgia. I LOVE the video, BTW!!
.-= Molly´s last blog ..Writing with Ease =-.
Love the video, Angela!
Several great homeschooling organizations here in Ohio. I’m part of a local group, but also of our state wide group called Christian Home Educators of Ohio (CHEO).
I believe if you join HSLDA, they provide you with laws for your state. (Not sure if you have to join or not to get that info.)
.-= Shannon´s last blog ..Growing Crystals =-.
Great video! I also wouldn’t advise visiting the local school districts to ask about homeschooling in NC. They are completely out of the loop so I don’t think they have any idea. For help with NC Homeschool Law I recommend http://www.nche.com.
.-= Kristen´s last blog ..Educational Opportunites at the Fair =-.