History is on of my very favorite subjects to teach. I’ve always loved history and if you’ve read my blog for very long at all, you know I’m a project kind of homeschool mama.
I don’t use any one history curriculum…I use a wide variety of project books with one or two great spine books to base our unit off of. One resource that I’ve gone back to over and over is Evan Moor’s History Pocket Series.
I absolutely love these books! For us, we use them as a way to tie up our unit that we’ve been studying OR as a resource we use right along with our unit from start to finish to enhance what we’re learning.
History Pocket books have tons of simple, easy, but very informational projects organized into categories. For each category, the students make a pocket and put their projects into the pocket.
By the end of the unit, each student has their own pocket book…a great way to show off all they’ve learned during the unit.
There are a wide variety of themes that these books come in. Areas of history such as Ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece are books we’ve completed in our homeschool. There’s also Native Americans, Colonial America, Moving West, Civil War, and American Revolution, and more.I love that when you’re finished using these books, you have a great pocket book full of your kids’ creations to show at the end of the unit. Personally, I wouldn’t use these as a spine in my unit study, but they are a great enhancement.
These photos are from books that we’ve worked on. If you would like to look closer, here’s a link to the history section on my blog.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ll try these fabulous history books!! 🙂
Alicia is a literature loving homeschool mom of 3. You can find her blogging at La Famille.
Great job on the pockets! I love the variety of themed pockets you can do.
I love Evan Moor’s History Pockets too! They are a great way to get students involved and interested in history. The activities help make history fun!
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