Although most Christians believe in the importance of memorizing the Bible, many of us find it difficult to do. This is a problem, because as Christian homeschoolers our main task is to teach our children about the Lord, and that includes memorizing his Word. Lately our family has been using Scripture Stickies, a unique and flexible Bible memory resource that makes it easier.
What is a Scripture Sticky? It’s a Bible text printed out on sticky paper that is perfectly safe for your wall, mirror, or car. You can stick it anywhere and remove it without damaging anything, and you can even move it from place to place, like a post-it note.
Our package of Scripture Stickies, themed “God will Provide,” included two copies each of five Bible verses. For a few weeks we had Romans 8:32 hanging beside the mirrors in both of our bathrooms. Now that we know that text, we have added it to our Bible text review box and have posted 2 Corinthians 9:8 to the wall above our bathroom sinks where we see it several times a day.
Isn’t it a brilliant idea? We are exposed to a different verse every week or two, think about it regularly, and learn it effortlessly, just because it’s on a sticky bit of paper!
Julie Alvarez and her husband developed Scripture Stickies in order to replace the post-it notes and 3×5 cards with verses written on them that they had all over the house. With Scripture Stickies people can easily surround themselves with Scripture to memorize and meditate on it. Many people also use them to encourage others and to evangelize. They are, obviously, great for homeschoolers too.
Scripture Stickies are available in many different translations, including foreign languages. This inexpensive resource comes in themed packages and is available as a kid pack, a homeschool help, or a Bible study aid. Your family could even join a Scripture of the month club to keep yourselves on track for your Bible memory goals.
You can get your Scripture Stickies from the website or you can check the company out on Facebook where Julie shares special promotions. Be sure to specify which Bible version you wish.
Disclosure: I received two free packages of Scripture Stickies from Julie for the purposes of this review. I am not compensated for this review, my opinions are my own, and the extra package of Scripture Stickies will go to my homeschool group to be used as a prize.
~ written by Annie Kate
Well here I am, I had this idea this morning and was hoping it was original. So I googled scriptures printed on stickies. And its already being done!! I want to buy some now!! What better way to post God s word around I our homes our office?