I am very particular about the Bible I select for our homeschool. I want to make sure that the translation and presentation isn’t too much like a children’s Bible, because it’s for my 4th grader. And yet it still needs to be easy enough for a child to read. I also wanted a Bible that would set him up for reading independently without making it a difficult and stressful experience for an inexperienced reader. Now, I found the perfect Bible for the upper elementary to early middle school years.
You may not feel that a Bible can be all that much better than any other and perhaps that is somewhat true, but I believe this one does have some admirable features that I’d like to share with you:
- It has lovely illustrations but not too many. Each picture gives the book, chapter, and verse where the story can be found.
- It is written in simple language without loosing the essence and watering down the meaning. Very important!
- It’s large print so that for 3-6th graders it’s just the same as reading a chapter book for their level; it’s not too intimidating.
- It’s numbered by chapter and verse so that your child can learn to begin to read any bible and find what they are looking for.
- And it includes various handy reference lists such as the 10 commandments, famous persons list and where to find them in the bible, life and teachings of Jesus, common prayers, fruits of the Spirit, and a what to read when list.
We will use this Bible all year and for the next few years, but right now we are using it to do our Daily Advent Reflections using the Jesse Tree.
What we really like the most about it is how age and level appropriate it is without “dumbing” the scripture passages down. There is no struggle at all for my student to read it. It is a positive experience every time and we can enter into the really learning from God’s word. It’s totally perfect for independent reading as well. The Bible is New International Revised Version translation, no content is removed and the message is not altered because it is a full text Bible. It is in every way complete.
Where can you find it? The Discoverer’s Bible- New International Revised Version is available from Zondervan publishing for $24.99. It’s a good investment for your home library and is a perfect transitional bible from “Bible stories” to a full Bible. They have a large selection of children’s Bibles at www.zonderkidz.com.
~ Homeschooling for 11+ years and a military spouse, Stephanie has a wide range of experiences. She shares her journey of everything from recipe and organizing tips, homeschool helps, military life support, and music through her family blog Harrington Harmonies.
This is the Bible my 11 year old uses and we love it!
I wasn’t aware of this Bible. I’ll have to check it out. We use the Golden Children’s Bible for homeschool, for the reasons I have laid out here http://contemplativehomeschool.wordpress.com/2012/11/16/beg-borrow-or-steal-buy-golden-childrens-bible/
My oldest is 10.